Wednesday, July 11, 2007 Jenkins council position filled 07/11/07 Jenkins council position filled 07/11/07:

"Pull-tab sales approved
The council approved a Patriot Athletic Club (PAC) request to allow the group to sell pull-tabs at local establishments. At the June city council meeting, Brett Dale from PAC introduced the request to the council saying the group plans to sell pull-tabs at Underdogs Bar and Grill along with the Pequot Lakes Youth Hockey Associaiton (PLYHA).
According to a letter to the city written by John Engstrom on behalf of the PLYHA, Underdogs is not a big enough seller to support both clubs.
'The Hockey Association also feels that PAC has unjustly barged in,' Engstrom continues in the letter. 'We have been doing charitable gambling out of Underdogs for two-plus years. PAC received their license and have now gone after two of our sites.'
Engstrom says both groups are trying to keep costs down for youth sports and acknowledges that the establishment owner ultimately makes the decision about which groups to allow. However, Engstrom feels the profit margin at Underdogs is not large enough to benefit either club."

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