Monday, September 15, 2014

Description of an instant win ticket: pulltab

  Pulltab tickets come in many different varieties.  The author describes how they are made and explains the front/back of the ticket.  With diagrams, a mock ticket describes the meaning of each symbol and word.  The majority of the consumers are not aware of what is on the face of a pulltab.  Some symbols are security and inventory control mechanisms to help track what is sold and paid out.  Other symbols help the knowledgeable purchaser to calculate their odds of winning.  I explain in depth each meaning.

¨      “Varieties of pulltabs.”  There are many different combinations of pulltab play.  The author utilizes a step-by-step guide how to play each style of ticket.

¨      “Exclusives.”  Throughout the United States there are different styles of pulltab play.  The names are different, but determining a winning ticket is not.

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