Thursday, March 27, 2008

Daniels OKs pull-tab bill; games debut July 1 | | The Indianapolis Star

Daniels OKs pull-tab bill; games debut July 1 The Indianapolis Star:
"Indiana taverns will be allowed to offer pull tabs and other small-stakes games under a bill Gov. Mitch Daniels signed into law Wednesday.
House Enrolled Act 1153 allows taverns to offer pull tabs, tip boards and punchboards starting July 1. The highest price for a game under the law would be $1, with a maximum payout of about $500.

Daniels, however, signed the bill with reservations and considered allowing it to become law without his approval -- the third option he has in addition to signing a bill or vetoing it.

'For the first time, he considered not signing a bill that came to him,' said Jane Jankowski, the governor's press secretary. 'But in the end, he decided that would be a cop-out.'"

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