Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Pilot-Independent - Walker, Minnesota

The Pilot-Independent - Walker, Minnesota:

"McKeown stressed the revenue the Hackensack Lions Club raises from selling pulltabs at the Muni — revenue the Club donates generously to city projects.
The Lions contribute large amounts of money to keep the community building running, Larry Ciha said.
According to McKeown, between 2004 and 2006 the Lions gave more than $67,000 in pulltab proceeds to community projects.
'Without the Lions revenue, you'd have higher taxes and diminished services,' he predicted.
Equally to the point are provisions of the 15-year bond agreement for the off-sale liquor store. The agreement, signed three years ago, requires that the on-sale continue to operate, as long as it makes a profit. Even without a profit, the city would have to get approval from all bondholders before it could do anything.
Closing the Muni is a moot point, Curly Franzwa said. 'It couldn't be sold as an operating business anyway.'"

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