- Burning it up at both ends:
"HIDDEN TREASURES, Mendenhall Mall: Inconspicuous, with just a small sign facing the parking lot, Hidden Treasures is almost truly hidden in the south side of the mall by Super Bear Supermarket.
But with three customers at 5 p.m. Tuesday, and the barbs flying across the dealer pit, the action was furious.
'It's a world unto itself,' said Donnie Wells, in his ninth year of dealing. 'It's the most fun I've ever had at a job. 'People don't understand that there's a social aspect to this. Everybody knows each other. It's a friendly thing. It's just like a bar, but I don't have to put up with drunks in here.'
Hidden Treasures raises money for Juneau Dance Unlimited, the Juneau Montessori School and Southeast Alaska Friends of Montessori. Wells also distributes cards to Henry's and the Imperial Saloon. Henry's, a hotbed for pulltabs, carries almost 27 games.
'It's not like we sit here and take people's money,' Wells said. 'You have to find that balance between taking money for the charity and making sure players are staying in the game. It's all about playbacks. You have fun, and that's what you're supposed to do. You have a game that doesn't have any playbacks, and nobody plays. We can't sell those.'
Juneau charges a 5 percent sales tax on charitable gaming, and it's the only large municipality in Alaska to charge such a tax. If someone wins $2 on a card, the shop pays a dime of that to the city.
'The city and borough is making almost as much in here as the charity groups, and that's the truth,' Wells said. 'It's a tough market to make it. We barely made it last year. You give 30 percent to the nonprofit, then you've got your taxes, and your cost for space in the mall, wages and for buying th"
This blog is a compilation of life experiences. (Bingo, Casino, Vegan recipes, decisions etc.) The business of gambling is the hook! I also dabble in graphic sales for sustainability. Click on my stores for graphic samples. Are you looking for a logo?
Friday, December 29, 2006 - Burning it up at both ends - Burning it up at both ends: "
Brian Wallace / Juneau Empire
PULL TAB PALACE, Nugget Mall, suite 24: Don't be fooled by the richness of the name. The 'Palace' is actually a no-frills, white-walled, nook across the hall from Susan's Hallmark and around the corner from Lucky Louie's.
'A lot of the people that play (at Louie's), if they win, they go (to the Palace) and play,' Horton said. 'Or they come from next door, and play over here. It's all pretty friendly. It's not real competitive between here and there. They have their regular customers, and we have ours.'
'There's three types of people that come in,' Palace dealer Eli Soriano said. 'Some people have money, and they can spend it. Some people are addicted. And some people are playing for fun and they can control themselves.
'The people who think it's fun are people who come back routinely,' he said. 'They'll come back every other day and spend $20 on a certain game.'
The Palace, like its counterpart parlor inside the Alaska Native Brotherhood Hall on West Willoughby Avenue, raises money for the ANB Grand Camp 2 scholarship program.
And like Lucky Louie's, Criss Cross is the popular game.
'People like those games because they're smaller,' Soriano said. 'There's fewer tickets and a higher percentage. It's a one-jar game. The whole game fits in one jar. People like that, or they like to play the big games, the ones with $400s and $500s. It's a matter of preference.'
Soriano has been at the Palace for about 18 months.
'People go to different shops for different dealers,' Soriano said. 'Some people will ask you information, like 'Are there any winners that came out of here.' That's cheating. I just want to deal the tab"
Brian Wallace / Juneau Empire
PULL TAB PALACE, Nugget Mall, suite 24: Don't be fooled by the richness of the name. The 'Palace' is actually a no-frills, white-walled, nook across the hall from Susan's Hallmark and around the corner from Lucky Louie's.
'A lot of the people that play (at Louie's), if they win, they go (to the Palace) and play,' Horton said. 'Or they come from next door, and play over here. It's all pretty friendly. It's not real competitive between here and there. They have their regular customers, and we have ours.'
'There's three types of people that come in,' Palace dealer Eli Soriano said. 'Some people have money, and they can spend it. Some people are addicted. And some people are playing for fun and they can control themselves.
'The people who think it's fun are people who come back routinely,' he said. 'They'll come back every other day and spend $20 on a certain game.'
The Palace, like its counterpart parlor inside the Alaska Native Brotherhood Hall on West Willoughby Avenue, raises money for the ANB Grand Camp 2 scholarship program.
And like Lucky Louie's, Criss Cross is the popular game.
'People like those games because they're smaller,' Soriano said. 'There's fewer tickets and a higher percentage. It's a one-jar game. The whole game fits in one jar. People like that, or they like to play the big games, the ones with $400s and $500s. It's a matter of preference.'
Soriano has been at the Palace for about 18 months.
'People go to different shops for different dealers,' Soriano said. 'Some people will ask you information, like 'Are there any winners that came out of here.' That's cheating. I just want to deal the tab" - Burning it up at both ends - Burning it up at both ends:
"LUCKY LOUIE'S, Nugget Mall, suite 26: With hanging plants and dollar signs ringing the wooden counter, Louie's ambiance can be overwhelming at first.
But then there's Jerry Horton, a pulltab dealer since 1989.
'I tell people, 'Just play the game that says 'Buy me,'' Horton said.
All pulltab parlors are limited to those 21 and over and sell nothing more potent than Mountain Dew. The most you can win on one ticket is $500.
Though the chance to win big pulls people in, it's often the dealer and those smaller payoffs that keep people coming back.
'You want people to have a good time when they're spending their money,' Horton said. ' You should play the game because it's fun. It's gambling, that's what you have to realize when you walk in here. You can't just walk in and expect to win every time you play, because that doesn't happen.'
Louie's raises money for six different organizations, including SEADOGS (Southeast Alaska Dogs Organized for Ground Search), Juneau Mountain Club and Juneau Wrestling.
Parlors pay 30 percent of their gross profits to nonprofit organizations. The total amount varies each year, depending on sales.
'There are a lot of charities that want their permits run, but there's not enough shops to run them,' Horton said. 'The ones that we have, we've had for a long time, several years at least.'
Criss Cross, a $1 card, is one of the most popular games in Juneau. The current version at Lucky's has 2,219 tickets, with four cards paying $100, four paying $75, four paying $50, 12 paying $20, 60 paying $5 and 200 paying $2.
'Even though it doesn't pay out a lot, you get a lot of playbacks from that game,' Horton said. 'People like wi"
"LUCKY LOUIE'S, Nugget Mall, suite 26: With hanging plants and dollar signs ringing the wooden counter, Louie's ambiance can be overwhelming at first.
But then there's Jerry Horton, a pulltab dealer since 1989.
'I tell people, 'Just play the game that says 'Buy me,'' Horton said.
All pulltab parlors are limited to those 21 and over and sell nothing more potent than Mountain Dew. The most you can win on one ticket is $500.
Though the chance to win big pulls people in, it's often the dealer and those smaller payoffs that keep people coming back.
'You want people to have a good time when they're spending their money,' Horton said. ' You should play the game because it's fun. It's gambling, that's what you have to realize when you walk in here. You can't just walk in and expect to win every time you play, because that doesn't happen.'
Louie's raises money for six different organizations, including SEADOGS (Southeast Alaska Dogs Organized for Ground Search), Juneau Mountain Club and Juneau Wrestling.
Parlors pay 30 percent of their gross profits to nonprofit organizations. The total amount varies each year, depending on sales.
'There are a lot of charities that want their permits run, but there's not enough shops to run them,' Horton said. 'The ones that we have, we've had for a long time, several years at least.'
Criss Cross, a $1 card, is one of the most popular games in Juneau. The current version at Lucky's has 2,219 tickets, with four cards paying $100, four paying $75, four paying $50, 12 paying $20, 60 paying $5 and 200 paying $2.
'Even though it doesn't pay out a lot, you get a lot of playbacks from that game,' Horton said. 'People like wi" - Burning it up at both ends - Burning it up at both ends: "As some pulltab parlors struggle, others keep customers wanting more
Brian Wallace / Juneau Empire
A special world: Donnie Wells, at Hidden Treasures, has been a pulltab dealer for nine years. 'It's a world unto itself,' he said. 'It's the most fun I've ever had at a job.'
It's the day after Christmas, and Nugget Mall is crowded with the bargain-shoppers and those with sweaters one size too large.
Refund money is thick in the air, and for some, disposable cash offers the chance to win more.
'A chance to win big,' said Eliza Salazar, 46, who was at the mall with her family.
Yes, it's time to play pulltabs at the mall.
We've all seen the parlors around town and in the bars. It's like playing paper slots - just peel open the tabs on the back of the card and see if your oranges, or cherries or assorted shapes match.
Gambling is mostly illegal under Alaska law. But pulltabs, bingo, raffles and contests of skill are allowed as 'charitable gaming activities.'
Tlingit and Haida, for instance, has paid for its hall, supported drug and alcohol education programs and funded other charitable activities with pulltab sales.
The local industry has taken a hit in the last year. Tab Time, outside the Nugget Mall near ACS, has closed. So has the old 'Hole-in-the-Wall' parlor on Front Street.
In recent years, Juneau pulltab operators have also wrestled with the city over outstanding sales tax issues. The Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 2, in fact, currently owes $83,732.19. Want to help? If you've got $20 to burn, you can.
Here's what Hooligan learned (and lost) at several parlors:"
Brian Wallace / Juneau Empire
A special world: Donnie Wells, at Hidden Treasures, has been a pulltab dealer for nine years. 'It's a world unto itself,' he said. 'It's the most fun I've ever had at a job.'
It's the day after Christmas, and Nugget Mall is crowded with the bargain-shoppers and those with sweaters one size too large.
Refund money is thick in the air, and for some, disposable cash offers the chance to win more.
'A chance to win big,' said Eliza Salazar, 46, who was at the mall with her family.
Yes, it's time to play pulltabs at the mall.
We've all seen the parlors around town and in the bars. It's like playing paper slots - just peel open the tabs on the back of the card and see if your oranges, or cherries or assorted shapes match.
Gambling is mostly illegal under Alaska law. But pulltabs, bingo, raffles and contests of skill are allowed as 'charitable gaming activities.'
Tlingit and Haida, for instance, has paid for its hall, supported drug and alcohol education programs and funded other charitable activities with pulltab sales.
The local industry has taken a hit in the last year. Tab Time, outside the Nugget Mall near ACS, has closed. So has the old 'Hole-in-the-Wall' parlor on Front Street.
In recent years, Juneau pulltab operators have also wrestled with the city over outstanding sales tax issues. The Alaska Native Brotherhood Camp 2, in fact, currently owes $83,732.19. Want to help? If you've got $20 to burn, you can.
Here's what Hooligan learned (and lost) at several parlors:"
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Small games of chance deserve an airing
Small games of chance deserve an airing:
"Service clubs, fire compa nies and churches that op erate small games of chance are making increasing noise about changing state regulations to expand their offerings and increase payouts to winners.
We need to hear more, but with the state having opened the barn door to casinos with slots, these groups at least deserve a full airing of their proposals and concerns by lawmakers.
Existing state law allows counties to issue licenses for such small games of chance as punch cards, pull tabs and drawings. Separate licenses also are issued for bingo. "
"Service clubs, fire compa nies and churches that op erate small games of chance are making increasing noise about changing state regulations to expand their offerings and increase payouts to winners.
We need to hear more, but with the state having opened the barn door to casinos with slots, these groups at least deserve a full airing of their proposals and concerns by lawmakers.
Existing state law allows counties to issue licenses for such small games of chance as punch cards, pull tabs and drawings. Separate licenses also are issued for bingo. "
Online Casino Reports - Cruise Casinos in Florida
Online Casino Reports - Cruise Casinos in Florida:
"At the same time, Florida has several Native Indian reserves where land based casinos operate. Their status is still pending a decision regarding their legality. The Seminole tribe has four land based casinos and the Miccosukee reservation has one. The state's objection to these operations was challenged by the Seminole tribe. It is now pending a decision by the Secretary of the Interior’s office. Meanwhile, these land based casino offer high-stakes bingo, video pull tabs, and poker games. The tribes operate the land based casinos around the clock, 24 hours a day. The minimum gambling age is 18."
"At the same time, Florida has several Native Indian reserves where land based casinos operate. Their status is still pending a decision regarding their legality. The Seminole tribe has four land based casinos and the Miccosukee reservation has one. The state's objection to these operations was challenged by the Seminole tribe. It is now pending a decision by the Secretary of the Interior’s office. Meanwhile, these land based casino offer high-stakes bingo, video pull tabs, and poker games. The tribes operate the land based casinos around the clock, 24 hours a day. The minimum gambling age is 18."
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Bills to legalize video gambling, expand slots at tracks introduced | The Star Press - - Muncie, IN
Bills to legalize video gambling, expand slots at tracks introduced The Star Press - - Muncie, IN:
"Indiana's riverboat casinos also are making sizable investments, adding hotel rooms and renovating casinos.
State horse-racing interests also will be back at the Legislature wanting slot machines and pull tabs, although Gov. Mitch Daniels indicated Thursday that he would not support any expansion of gambling.
Brad Klopfenstein, executive director of the Indiana Licensed Beverage Association, said legalizing video gaming would not constitute an expansion of gambling, given that many Hoosier bars, clubs and even retailers already have them.
'They largely go unchecked,' said Klopfenstein, although state excise has been cracking down, recently arresting Yorktown man John Neal on video gambling-related charges."
"Indiana's riverboat casinos also are making sizable investments, adding hotel rooms and renovating casinos.
State horse-racing interests also will be back at the Legislature wanting slot machines and pull tabs, although Gov. Mitch Daniels indicated Thursday that he would not support any expansion of gambling.
Brad Klopfenstein, executive director of the Indiana Licensed Beverage Association, said legalizing video gaming would not constitute an expansion of gambling, given that many Hoosier bars, clubs and even retailers already have them.
'They largely go unchecked,' said Klopfenstein, although state excise has been cracking down, recently arresting Yorktown man John Neal on video gambling-related charges." | Alaska's news and information source | Mall employee recovering from hostage crisis at Northway Mall Alaska's news and information source Mall employee recovering from hostage crisis at Northway Mall:
"Anchorage, Alaska - A SWAT team stun grenade brought a hostage stand-off at the Northway Mall to a dramatic end this afternoon.
Tonight, a 19-year-old girl is recovering from the terrifying ordeal and 44-year-old Mark Talbert, who police say held her captive at knifepoint, is behind bars. Earlier today, the Northway Mall was filled with holiday shoppers who got a very close and personal view of a police take-down as it happened just 30 yards away.
'Nobody knew what was going on. All I know is that they were saying there was somebody with a knife holding somebody hostage,' said Kathleen Turner, who works at Lynn's Pull Tabs."
Thursday, December 07, 2006
DVD Review for Christmas in the Clouds (2005)
Christmas in the Clouds was first featured at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival. This film is light hearted comedy built in the tradition of Native American storytelling. The film had a limited release at the theatres, so I did get a chance to see it. After seeing the DVD rental, I definitely will add this to my collection.
Ray Clouds on Fire (Tim Vahle) comes back to his Tribe’s reservation after personal struggles off the reservation. He is hired as the General Manager of the Tribe’s ski resort. Joe (Sam Vlahos) is Ray’s father who is exchanging letters with his pen pal Tina (Mariana Tosca) from New York. When Tina comes for a visit at the same time as a well known travel guide (M. Emmet Walsh) a case of mistaken identity develops into hilarious scenarios.
Ray tries to rally the troops to put on a good show for the travel guide so the resort can get a great review write-up. That’s when the laughs start. But there is a relationship brewing on the horizon. And some tender moments are ahead. Not to be too serious though, funny characters are introduced throughout the film. Earl the vegetarian chef (Graham Greene) and Mary (Sheila Tousey) make a noticeable standout.
Robert Redford’s Sundance ranch is the beautiful backdrop for this film. The film captures the resort brilliantly and character is built smoothly. There are many Native American supporting actors that blend well in this film; Wes Studi (Himself), Shirley Cheechoo and Warrior Mouse. I have to make a special note for Inuit singer Karina Moeller of Pamyua who makes a special appearance that might make you shed a tear or more.
This is great family holiday movie. It is not just a Native American movie but a movie that everyone can relate to. The one thing that could have been developed better is the time lapses. But I still would like to see more films from writer/director Kate Montgomery. The DVD contains the Trailer, Reviews and Rewards and Photo Gallery.
Ray Clouds on Fire (Tim Vahle) comes back to his Tribe’s reservation after personal struggles off the reservation. He is hired as the General Manager of the Tribe’s ski resort. Joe (Sam Vlahos) is Ray’s father who is exchanging letters with his pen pal Tina (Mariana Tosca) from New York. When Tina comes for a visit at the same time as a well known travel guide (M. Emmet Walsh) a case of mistaken identity develops into hilarious scenarios.
Ray tries to rally the troops to put on a good show for the travel guide so the resort can get a great review write-up. That’s when the laughs start. But there is a relationship brewing on the horizon. And some tender moments are ahead. Not to be too serious though, funny characters are introduced throughout the film. Earl the vegetarian chef (Graham Greene) and Mary (Sheila Tousey) make a noticeable standout.
Robert Redford’s Sundance ranch is the beautiful backdrop for this film. The film captures the resort brilliantly and character is built smoothly. There are many Native American supporting actors that blend well in this film; Wes Studi (Himself), Shirley Cheechoo and Warrior Mouse. I have to make a special note for Inuit singer Karina Moeller of Pamyua who makes a special appearance that might make you shed a tear or more.
This is great family holiday movie. It is not just a Native American movie but a movie that everyone can relate to. The one thing that could have been developed better is the time lapses. But I still would like to see more films from writer/director Kate Montgomery. The DVD contains the Trailer, Reviews and Rewards and Photo Gallery.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
HeraldNet: Lake Stevens tackles gambling tax
HeraldNet: Lake Stevens tackles gambling tax:
"The city wants to impose the gambling tax before it annexes the Frontier Village area - including the Highway 9 Casino - on Dec. 20.
If passed, the tax could bring in as much as $139,000 each year to help provide police services at gambling businesses, Police Chief Randy Celori said.
The gambling tax proposal, first presented in October, sparked an outcry from some businesses saying a tax could force them out of business.
Since then, the city has floated a number of proposals, all less than Snohomish County's current tax - 5 percent on pull tabs and 10 percent on card tables' gross earnings."
"The city wants to impose the gambling tax before it annexes the Frontier Village area - including the Highway 9 Casino - on Dec. 20.
If passed, the tax could bring in as much as $139,000 each year to help provide police services at gambling businesses, Police Chief Randy Celori said.
The gambling tax proposal, first presented in October, sparked an outcry from some businesses saying a tax could force them out of business.
Since then, the city has floated a number of proposals, all less than Snohomish County's current tax - 5 percent on pull tabs and 10 percent on card tables' gross earnings."
The Trades - Book Review: Santa Claus
The Trades - Book Review: Santa Claus:
"Santa Claus is one of those new breed of interactive books -- not really pop-up, but filled with pull-tabs, fold outs, tiny booklets within a book, and sealed envelopes of surprises.
Santa Claus is not a story, but an Encyclopedia Phantasmagorica, going into tremendous detail about the North Pole, the way the elves grow food, how the mail room operates, the make-up of Santa's magical suit, and all the technical specifications about the sled: length, power, and all the tricked out special equipment like the altitude regulator, bubble timer, and enchanted cargo hold.
Of course, there's more prosaic information as well that you could research out of a regular reference book -- like the origins of the Christmas tree, a little about the different animals that live at the North Pole, the background on St. Nicholas of Myra, and actual sightings of Santa, like this one: "
"Santa Claus is one of those new breed of interactive books -- not really pop-up, but filled with pull-tabs, fold outs, tiny booklets within a book, and sealed envelopes of surprises.
Santa Claus is not a story, but an Encyclopedia Phantasmagorica, going into tremendous detail about the North Pole, the way the elves grow food, how the mail room operates, the make-up of Santa's magical suit, and all the technical specifications about the sled: length, power, and all the tricked out special equipment like the altitude regulator, bubble timer, and enchanted cargo hold.
Of course, there's more prosaic information as well that you could research out of a regular reference book -- like the origins of the Christmas tree, a little about the different animals that live at the North Pole, the background on St. Nicholas of Myra, and actual sightings of Santa, like this one: "
"Powerball accounted for about $21.9 million of the overall sales, while instant tickets were the biggest seller, totaling $37.4 million. Pull-tabs brought in $7 million, and Hot Lotto totaled $4.4 million.
'People like our products,' Stanek said after Friday's meeting of the Iowa Lottery Board.
One factor behind the sales increase is that lottery players are buying more higher-priced instant games, such as $2, $5 and $10 tickets for lottery bingo and crossword puzzle games, Stanek said.
'Based upon our market research, we have determined that players were willing to spend more money, provided that they had some value added,' he said. 'We have added value by including additional ways to win, higher payback percentages, better odds, and making the games more fun.'"
"Powerball accounted for about $21.9 million of the overall sales, while instant tickets were the biggest seller, totaling $37.4 million. Pull-tabs brought in $7 million, and Hot Lotto totaled $4.4 million.
'People like our products,' Stanek said after Friday's meeting of the Iowa Lottery Board.
One factor behind the sales increase is that lottery players are buying more higher-priced instant games, such as $2, $5 and $10 tickets for lottery bingo and crossword puzzle games, Stanek said.
'Based upon our market research, we have determined that players were willing to spend more money, provided that they had some value added,' he said. 'We have added value by including additional ways to win, higher payback percentages, better odds, and making the games more fun.'" | front : Critics would snuff out smoke ban front : Critics would snuff out smoke ban:
"Jack Powers of Tudor Road Bingo Center Casino said he personally donated $2,500 because he thinks 35 percent of his customers will quit coming if the ban stays. Powers says bingo operators will really lose out because, instead of buying pull tabs during the bingo games' intermission, smokers will be going outside to have two or three cigarettes.
'It's happened in a couple of other states,' Powers said. 'Their pull tabs are going to go right down the toilet.'"
"Jack Powers of Tudor Road Bingo Center Casino said he personally donated $2,500 because he thinks 35 percent of his customers will quit coming if the ban stays. Powers says bingo operators will really lose out because, instead of buying pull tabs during the bingo games' intermission, smokers will be going outside to have two or three cigarettes.
'It's happened in a couple of other states,' Powers said. 'Their pull tabs are going to go right down the toilet.'"
Friday, November 24, 2006
HDNet Original Programming - Transcripts
This is from HDNet's Dan Rather report transcript on episode "The Best Congress Money Can Buy"
HDNet Original Programming - Transcripts:
", ' I want all their money.' ANOTHER E-MAIL WAS READ BY BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL, THE ONLY NATIVE AMERICAN SENATOR AT THE TIME. At one time or another, according to your e-mails, you and Mr. Scanlon referred to tribes as morons, stupid idiots, monkeys, f-ing troglodytes, which you defined as a lower form of existence and losers. My question concerning your definition of those clients is this: Why would you want to work for people that you have that much content for? Mr. Chairman, I respect the committee's process, that's why I am here today. But in light of the correspondence that occurred between the committee and my counsel including the committee's decision not to make any provisions for my testimony though the grant of legislative immunity, I have no choice but to assert my various constitutional privileges against having to testify. ABRAMOFF INVOKED HIS CONSTITUTIONAL PRIVILEGE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Senator I respectfully invoke the privileges as previously stated. SENATOR CAMPBELL PUT THE HEARINGS INTO HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE DURING THE TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL SCANLON, ABRAMOFF'S PARTNER IN CRIME. I have to tell you that for 400 hundred years people have been cheating Indians in America, so you're not the first one Mr. Scanlon. It is just ashamed that in this enlightened day that you have added a new dimension to a shameful legacy of what has happened to American Indians. You're the problem buddy of what happens to American Indians. "
HDNet Original Programming - Transcripts:
", ' I want all their money.' ANOTHER E-MAIL WAS READ BY BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL, THE ONLY NATIVE AMERICAN SENATOR AT THE TIME. At one time or another, according to your e-mails, you and Mr. Scanlon referred to tribes as morons, stupid idiots, monkeys, f-ing troglodytes, which you defined as a lower form of existence and losers. My question concerning your definition of those clients is this: Why would you want to work for people that you have that much content for? Mr. Chairman, I respect the committee's process, that's why I am here today. But in light of the correspondence that occurred between the committee and my counsel including the committee's decision not to make any provisions for my testimony though the grant of legislative immunity, I have no choice but to assert my various constitutional privileges against having to testify. ABRAMOFF INVOKED HIS CONSTITUTIONAL PRIVILEGE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Senator I respectfully invoke the privileges as previously stated. SENATOR CAMPBELL PUT THE HEARINGS INTO HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE DURING THE TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL SCANLON, ABRAMOFF'S PARTNER IN CRIME. I have to tell you that for 400 hundred years people have been cheating Indians in America, so you're not the first one Mr. Scanlon. It is just ashamed that in this enlightened day that you have added a new dimension to a shameful legacy of what has happened to American Indians. You're the problem buddy of what happens to American Indians. "
JS Online:
JS Online:: "WHAT YOU'LL BE DRINKING: A modest selection of beer and booze caters to those who simply want a drink and those who want to drink simply. On tap, you'll find some Millers, Bud Light, Hacker-Pschorr Weiss Bier and Leinenkugel's Red. There are also more than 15 varieties of bottled beer. For booze, there's the prerequisite rainbow of vodka flavors and the standard selection of rums, tequilas and other mixers. Happy hour stretches from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m., with pull tabs that give you the chance to pay full price, half price or just 50 cents for your drink. Other specials, all starting at 7 p.m., include $2 domestic bottles on Tuesdays and $3 bomb shots and martinis on Wednesdays."
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette - - Lancaster, OH
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette - - Lancaster, OH:
"COLUMBUS — Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro today announced he filed suit against a Wisconsin company for selling instant bingo tickets and illegally selling bingo supplies in Ohio without first obtaining the required license, according to a news release from Petro’s office.
The tickets are also known as “pulltabs,” “tip tickets” and “rip off tickets.” The company allegedly sold the tickets to business and charities that were not licensed by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office to conduct those games.
The suit was filed in Franklin County Common Pleas Court against F.A.C.E. Trading Inc., also known as Face Card Promotions. F.A.C.E. is a Wisconsin corporation with its principal place of business in Kenosha, Wis.
“This company is blatantly disregarding Ohio gambling laws and, in so doing, taking money away from the charities the laws were created to benefit,” Petro said.
Instant bingo tickets are an exception to Ohio’s prohibition on gambling and are permitted because they are supposed to be used for the benefit of charities.
F.A.C.E. manufactures, markets and distributes “Ad-tabs” via sales staff and the Internet. The Ad-tabs product is an instant bingo ticket that has a coupon for discounts on certain goods or merchandise printed on one side, according to the news release. In this suit, Petro alleges Ad-tabs are instant bingo tickets and are therefore subject to regulations established by Ohio law.
The Ohio Department of Public Safety and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office have found Ad-tabs in locations throughout the state that were not licensed by Petro’s office to sell instant "
"COLUMBUS — Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro today announced he filed suit against a Wisconsin company for selling instant bingo tickets and illegally selling bingo supplies in Ohio without first obtaining the required license, according to a news release from Petro’s office.
The tickets are also known as “pulltabs,” “tip tickets” and “rip off tickets.” The company allegedly sold the tickets to business and charities that were not licensed by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office to conduct those games.
The suit was filed in Franklin County Common Pleas Court against F.A.C.E. Trading Inc., also known as Face Card Promotions. F.A.C.E. is a Wisconsin corporation with its principal place of business in Kenosha, Wis.
“This company is blatantly disregarding Ohio gambling laws and, in so doing, taking money away from the charities the laws were created to benefit,” Petro said.
Instant bingo tickets are an exception to Ohio’s prohibition on gambling and are permitted because they are supposed to be used for the benefit of charities.
F.A.C.E. manufactures, markets and distributes “Ad-tabs” via sales staff and the Internet. The Ad-tabs product is an instant bingo ticket that has a coupon for discounts on certain goods or merchandise printed on one side, according to the news release. In this suit, Petro alleges Ad-tabs are instant bingo tickets and are therefore subject to regulations established by Ohio law.
The Ohio Department of Public Safety and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office have found Ad-tabs in locations throughout the state that were not licensed by Petro’s office to sell instant "
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette - - Lancaster, OH
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette - - Lancaster, OH:
"COLUMBUS — Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro today announced he filed suit against a Wisconsin company for selling instant bingo tickets and illegally selling bingo supplies in Ohio without first obtaining the required license, according to a news release from Petro’s office.
The tickets are also known as “pulltabs,” “tip tickets” and “rip off tickets.” The company allegedly sold the tickets to business and charities that were not licensed by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office to conduct those games.
The suit was filed in Franklin County Common Pleas Court against F.A.C.E. Trading Inc., also known as Face Card Promotions. F.A.C.E. is a Wisconsin corporation with its principal place of business in Kenosha, Wis.
“This company is blatantly disregarding Ohio gambling laws and, in so doing, taking money away from the charities the laws were created to benefit,” Petro said.
Instant bingo tickets are an exception to Ohio’s prohibition on gambling and are permitted because they are supposed to be used for the benefit of charities.
F.A.C.E. manufactures, markets and distributes “Ad-tabs” via sales staff and the Internet. The Ad-tabs product is an instant bingo ticket that has a coupon for discounts on certain goods or merchandise printed on one side, according to the news release. In this suit, Petro alleges Ad-tabs are instant bingo tickets and are therefore subject to regulations established by Ohio law.
The Ohio Department of Public Safety and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office have found Ad-tabs in locations throughout the state that were not licensed by Petro’s office to sell instant "
"COLUMBUS — Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro today announced he filed suit against a Wisconsin company for selling instant bingo tickets and illegally selling bingo supplies in Ohio without first obtaining the required license, according to a news release from Petro’s office.
The tickets are also known as “pulltabs,” “tip tickets” and “rip off tickets.” The company allegedly sold the tickets to business and charities that were not licensed by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office to conduct those games.
The suit was filed in Franklin County Common Pleas Court against F.A.C.E. Trading Inc., also known as Face Card Promotions. F.A.C.E. is a Wisconsin corporation with its principal place of business in Kenosha, Wis.
“This company is blatantly disregarding Ohio gambling laws and, in so doing, taking money away from the charities the laws were created to benefit,” Petro said.
Instant bingo tickets are an exception to Ohio’s prohibition on gambling and are permitted because they are supposed to be used for the benefit of charities.
F.A.C.E. manufactures, markets and distributes “Ad-tabs” via sales staff and the Internet. The Ad-tabs product is an instant bingo ticket that has a coupon for discounts on certain goods or merchandise printed on one side, according to the news release. In this suit, Petro alleges Ad-tabs are instant bingo tickets and are therefore subject to regulations established by Ohio law.
The Ohio Department of Public Safety and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office have found Ad-tabs in locations throughout the state that were not licensed by Petro’s office to sell instant "
Friday, November 17, 2006 - Burning it up at both ends - Burning it up at both ends: "Couch potatoes try a different home stretch
Horse racing TV network hopes to promote sport by airing in Alaska
Photograph by Brian Wallace / Photo illustration by Michael Plett
Growing a sport: TVG Network, which bills itself as 'the largest interactive horse racing network in America,' is available to Juneau GCI subscribers even though betting is illegal in Alaska. When the network first started airing in Washington a few years ago, viewers there weren't able to bet either. But Washington's Legislature authorized online advance deposit wagering in 2004.
It's 10:16 on a crisp Monday morning in Juneau, and the first flurries of a severe winter storm have the roads looking dodgy at best.
But in the opposite corner of the country, it's 78 degrees, 2:16 p.m. and post time for the fifth race at Calder Race Course in Miami Gardens, Fla. The packed-earth track is fast and firm, and seven thoroughbreds are stepping into the gate with 5 1/2 furlongs ahead.
Welcome to the TVG Network, channel 309 for GCI subscribers with access to the $5, nine-channel 'Digital Sports' package. The seven-year-old TVG bills itself as 'the largest interactive horse racing network in America,' and has the numbers to back up its claim.
The network reaches more than 20 million homes, broadcasts live races 14 hours a day from more than 70 tracks worldwide. And its online account wagering service (, available in 12 states, garnered approximately $400 million in total bets in 2005.
What's the attraction for Alaskans? Gambling - other than bingo, pull-tabs, raffles, contests of skill and some other charitable gaming activities - is illegal under Alaska law.
Horse racing TV network hopes to promote sport by airing in Alaska
Photograph by Brian Wallace / Photo illustration by Michael Plett
Growing a sport: TVG Network, which bills itself as 'the largest interactive horse racing network in America,' is available to Juneau GCI subscribers even though betting is illegal in Alaska. When the network first started airing in Washington a few years ago, viewers there weren't able to bet either. But Washington's Legislature authorized online advance deposit wagering in 2004.
It's 10:16 on a crisp Monday morning in Juneau, and the first flurries of a severe winter storm have the roads looking dodgy at best.
But in the opposite corner of the country, it's 78 degrees, 2:16 p.m. and post time for the fifth race at Calder Race Course in Miami Gardens, Fla. The packed-earth track is fast and firm, and seven thoroughbreds are stepping into the gate with 5 1/2 furlongs ahead.
Welcome to the TVG Network, channel 309 for GCI subscribers with access to the $5, nine-channel 'Digital Sports' package. The seven-year-old TVG bills itself as 'the largest interactive horse racing network in America,' and has the numbers to back up its claim.
The network reaches more than 20 million homes, broadcasts live races 14 hours a day from more than 70 tracks worldwide. And its online account wagering service (, available in 12 states, garnered approximately $400 million in total bets in 2005.
What's the attraction for Alaskans? Gambling - other than bingo, pull-tabs, raffles, contests of skill and some other charitable gaming activities - is illegal under Alaska law.
The Capital Times
The Capital Times: "Illegal gambling also suspected
By Steven Elbow
What started as an investigation into the hit-and-run of a pedestrian has ensnared a town of Cottage Grove supervisor in a gambling probe.
Michael D. Klinger, 53, who is also a volunteer firefighter for Cottage Grove, came under investigation after he allegedly hit a pedestrian on Oct. 21 after he finished a bartending shift at the Crossroads Inn, located on County AB.
A subsequent search of his Chevrolet Tahoe turned up cash and pull tabs that police said are evidence of illegal gambling, court documents say."
By Steven Elbow
What started as an investigation into the hit-and-run of a pedestrian has ensnared a town of Cottage Grove supervisor in a gambling probe.
Michael D. Klinger, 53, who is also a volunteer firefighter for Cottage Grove, came under investigation after he allegedly hit a pedestrian on Oct. 21 after he finished a bartending shift at the Crossroads Inn, located on County AB.
A subsequent search of his Chevrolet Tahoe turned up cash and pull tabs that police said are evidence of illegal gambling, court documents say."
Thursday, November 02, 2006 :: Northwest Arkansas' News Source :: Northwest Arkansas' News Source: "Bingo falls under Class II gambling, along with keno, pull-tabs, punchboards and card games in which players play against one another rather than against the house.
As long as Class II games are legal in a state, tribes are free to conduct them on their own land. But because tribal lands are domestic nations, they are not subject to state regulations, said I. Nelson Rose, an international expert on gambling law and a professor at Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa, Calif. As a result, large for-profit “bingosinos” based around Class II card games and bingo machines that resemble slot machines have sprung up in states like Florida and California. He cited the 130, 000-square-foot Seminole Hard Rock Cafe Casino in Hollywood, Fla., as an example. “The only way a state can stop a tribe from having ‘bingosinos’ is to outlaw charity bingo,” said Rose, who is not affiliated with any groups in Arkansas opposing the amendment. "
As long as Class II games are legal in a state, tribes are free to conduct them on their own land. But because tribal lands are domestic nations, they are not subject to state regulations, said I. Nelson Rose, an international expert on gambling law and a professor at Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa, Calif. As a result, large for-profit “bingosinos” based around Class II card games and bingo machines that resemble slot machines have sprung up in states like Florida and California. He cited the 130, 000-square-foot Seminole Hard Rock Cafe Casino in Hollywood, Fla., as an example. “The only way a state can stop a tribe from having ‘bingosinos’ is to outlaw charity bingo,” said Rose, who is not affiliated with any groups in Arkansas opposing the amendment. "
Bottomfeeder: The Ham in Hamburger (Seattle Weekly)
Bottomfeeder: The Ham in Hamburger (Seattle Weekly): "At Uncle Mo's, the popcorn's fresh, the televisions are tuned to football, pull tabs pass the time between beers, a 10-ounce steak is $8.45 each Monday, and a blue-collared shirt bearing one's name is hardly, if ever, worn as an ironic fashion statement."
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Carlsbad Current-Argus - Little Argus
Carlsbad Current-Argus - Little Argus: "Bingo slated
CARLSBAD — Knights of Columbus appreciation bingo will be held at 7 p.m. Friday at the San Jose Hall. Master packs are $5 and extras are $2.50. Guarantee bingo payout for the night is $3,000. Total possible payout for the entire evening is $10,000. Includes bingo and pull-tabs. Appreciation bingo is held on the second and last Friday of each month.
Enchilada dinner planned "
CARLSBAD — Knights of Columbus appreciation bingo will be held at 7 p.m. Friday at the San Jose Hall. Master packs are $5 and extras are $2.50. Guarantee bingo payout for the night is $3,000. Total possible payout for the entire evening is $10,000. Includes bingo and pull-tabs. Appreciation bingo is held on the second and last Friday of each month.
Enchilada dinner planned "
HeraldNet: City weighs a tax on wagers
HeraldNet: City weighs a tax on wagers: "City weighs a tax on wagers
Lake Stevens studies whether to impose a gambling tax before it annexes the Frontier Village area.
By Jackson Holtz
Herald Writer
LAKE STEVENS - The city is considering a gambling tax before it annexes the 708-acre Frontier Village, an area that includes several gambling businesses with everything from pull tabs to card tables.
If passed, the gambling tax would help pay for police services, Police Chief Randy Celori said.
Washington law requires local police to enforce state gambling regulations, he said."
Lake Stevens studies whether to impose a gambling tax before it annexes the Frontier Village area.
By Jackson Holtz
Herald Writer
LAKE STEVENS - The city is considering a gambling tax before it annexes the 708-acre Frontier Village, an area that includes several gambling businesses with everything from pull tabs to card tables.
If passed, the gambling tax would help pay for police services, Police Chief Randy Celori said.
Washington law requires local police to enforce state gambling regulations, he said."
Monday, October 09, 2006
The Daily Tribune - Hibbing, MN
The Daily Tribune - Hibbing, MN: "During discussion, Sullivan asked why the Keewatin Fire Relief Association would no longer be in charge of the pull tabs at the establishment.
He said he didn’t have enough information to make a decision, and would like to have someone from Jams at the meeting.
Kennedy agreed, pointing out he wasn’t opposed to having the Lawron Trail Riders in charge of pull tabs, but would also like more information.
Baldwin said he didn’t think it was the council’s business to determine who sells raffles at Jam’s.
After further discussion, the resolution was tabled until the next meeting."
He said he didn’t have enough information to make a decision, and would like to have someone from Jams at the meeting.
Kennedy agreed, pointing out he wasn’t opposed to having the Lawron Trail Riders in charge of pull tabs, but would also like more information.
Baldwin said he didn’t think it was the council’s business to determine who sells raffles at Jam’s.
After further discussion, the resolution was tabled until the next meeting."
Las Vegas SUN: Jeff Haney hunts down the best values available on parlay cards for those wagering on such a losing proposition
Las Vegas SUN: Jeff Haney hunts down the best values available on parlay cards for those wagering on such a losing proposition: "(Speaking of carnivals, all casinos are equally guilty of listing their parlay-card payouts using the phrase 'for 1,' which makes it sound like we're playing pull tabs at a parish Christmas bazaar or something, rather than betting sports in a highly regulated gaming jurisdiction. For the record, 7 1/2 'for 1' is the same as 6 1/2 'to 1.') "
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The Richmond Register - Woman testifies against her grandmother
The Richmond Register - Woman testifies against her grandmother: "According to Taylor, Tara Tipton reportedly revealed during the interview a plethora of information about illegal activities she had learned both first-hand and from other parties. Tara Tipton reportedly told Creech her grandmother would profit $5,000 to $10,000 each night from unreported pull-tab game sales. She reported her grandmother had several bank accounts in Tara Tipton’s name in Berea and Paint Lick banks. She also told the OCG her grandmother had money hidden both in her sisters’ houses and a safe buried in a hole in her garage covered by an oriental rug"
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Lexington Herald-Leader | 09/12/2006 | Bingo tax-evasion trial opens
Lexington Herald-Leader 09/12/2006 Bingo tax-evasion trial opens: "Taylor said that crooked bingo dealers buy bootleg pull-tab games, which are similar to lottery tickets, that are not registered and therefore cannot be tracked. Charities can then sell the bootleg games and pocket the proceeds.
Another way to pocket money without being detected is to pick a 'house winner' to win. The winner then pays the operator a kickback. Operators can also sell more packets of bingo sheets but under-report the amount to charitable gaming regulators and pocket the proceeds.
But Michael Dean, the attorney for Tipton and Williams, said that representatives from the charities will testify that they are legitimate non-profit organizations and not a front for Tipton or her sisters.
Dean said much of the federal prosecutor's case was built on a tip from Roger Alexander, the former chief of the Waco Volunteer Fire Department, a convicted felon.
Alexander went to the state Office of Charitable Gaming with complaints that he was not able to run the Waco department's bingo games and that Tipton still largely controlled the bingo proceeds.
Alexander eventually started his own bingo hall in Berea. In February, Alexander was convicted of diverting charity bingo proceeds of more than $100,000 over three years.
Office of Charitable Gaming inspectors began an investigation of Jackpot Bingo in 2000. Beverly Rogers, a former inspector and branch manager for the agency, testified yesterday that she went undercover in March 2000, visiting Jackpot Bingo as a paying patron four times.
On at least three nights, she found that the charities operating the bingo were selling bootleg pull tabs. Two of Tipton's sisters allegedly were selling bingo sheets on two different nights -- even though different charities were supp"
Another way to pocket money without being detected is to pick a 'house winner' to win. The winner then pays the operator a kickback. Operators can also sell more packets of bingo sheets but under-report the amount to charitable gaming regulators and pocket the proceeds.
But Michael Dean, the attorney for Tipton and Williams, said that representatives from the charities will testify that they are legitimate non-profit organizations and not a front for Tipton or her sisters.
Dean said much of the federal prosecutor's case was built on a tip from Roger Alexander, the former chief of the Waco Volunteer Fire Department, a convicted felon.
Alexander went to the state Office of Charitable Gaming with complaints that he was not able to run the Waco department's bingo games and that Tipton still largely controlled the bingo proceeds.
Alexander eventually started his own bingo hall in Berea. In February, Alexander was convicted of diverting charity bingo proceeds of more than $100,000 over three years.
Office of Charitable Gaming inspectors began an investigation of Jackpot Bingo in 2000. Beverly Rogers, a former inspector and branch manager for the agency, testified yesterday that she went undercover in March 2000, visiting Jackpot Bingo as a paying patron four times.
On at least three nights, she found that the charities operating the bingo were selling bootleg pull tabs. Two of Tipton's sisters allegedly were selling bingo sheets on two different nights -- even though different charities were supp"
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Letters: "Letters
Too bad for baseball
Last update: September 12, 2006
North Andover wants its prized open space to stay that way
What comes after the funeral?
College debuts Internet so fast, it almost gives you whiplash
New field says what you think matters
Roseville schools move up the vote for levy referendumToo bad for baseball
Regarding the Aug. 30 Star Tribune North article 'Hockey wins, baseball loses on charity pulltabs,' I am a member of both associations and feel bad for baseball. That being said, I don't remember seeing baseball giving the hockey association any donations.
Baseball hit a gold mine and sat back and did nothing to add to their gambling sites. No one was calling for baseball to share the money with the other associations. But now hockey should?
The mayor should stay out of it!
The hockey association didn't back door baseball, but they would have been foolish to pass up the opportunity. "
Too bad for baseball
Last update: September 12, 2006
North Andover wants its prized open space to stay that way
What comes after the funeral?
College debuts Internet so fast, it almost gives you whiplash
New field says what you think matters
Roseville schools move up the vote for levy referendumToo bad for baseball
Regarding the Aug. 30 Star Tribune North article 'Hockey wins, baseball loses on charity pulltabs,' I am a member of both associations and feel bad for baseball. That being said, I don't remember seeing baseball giving the hockey association any donations.
Baseball hit a gold mine and sat back and did nothing to add to their gambling sites. No one was calling for baseball to share the money with the other associations. But now hockey should?
The mayor should stay out of it!
The hockey association didn't back door baseball, but they would have been foolish to pass up the opportunity. "
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Pollard Banknote Awarded Breakopen Ticket Contract by Manitoba Lotteries Corporation
Pollard Banknote Awarded Breakopen Ticket Contract by Manitoba Lotteries Corporation: "Pollard Banknote Awarded Breakopen Ticket Contract by Manitoba Lotteries Corporation
10 September 2006
Pollard Banknote Limited Partnership ('Pollard Banknote') is pleased to announce that the company has been awarded a contract to design and manufacture breakopen (also known as pull tab) tickets for Manitoba Lotteries Corporation ('MLC').
The new contract, worth about $4.2 million (CDN) in total, has an initial term of three years plus two optional one-year renewals. Pollard Banknote expects to produce and deliver up to 75 million breakopen tickets each year.
'We are thrilled to enter into another contract with MLC, who also selected Pollard Banknote as its bingo paper supplier this April,' said Jennifer Westbury, Vice President, Sales & Marketing. 'It's really exciting to see this partnership expand. We look forward to working with MLC to create successful games that help maximize sales.'
The breakopen tickets will be sold at MLC Casinos (Club Regent and McPhillips Street Station) as well as Lottery Ticket Centres, bingo halls, hotels, and legions across Manitoba. Unlike instant scratch products, breakopen tickets have one or more perforated window tabs that can be opened to reveal whether the player has the winning numbers or symbols."
10 September 2006
Pollard Banknote Limited Partnership ('Pollard Banknote') is pleased to announce that the company has been awarded a contract to design and manufacture breakopen (also known as pull tab) tickets for Manitoba Lotteries Corporation ('MLC').
The new contract, worth about $4.2 million (CDN) in total, has an initial term of three years plus two optional one-year renewals. Pollard Banknote expects to produce and deliver up to 75 million breakopen tickets each year.
'We are thrilled to enter into another contract with MLC, who also selected Pollard Banknote as its bingo paper supplier this April,' said Jennifer Westbury, Vice President, Sales & Marketing. 'It's really exciting to see this partnership expand. We look forward to working with MLC to create successful games that help maximize sales.'
The breakopen tickets will be sold at MLC Casinos (Club Regent and McPhillips Street Station) as well as Lottery Ticket Centres, bingo halls, hotels, and legions across Manitoba. Unlike instant scratch products, breakopen tickets have one or more perforated window tabs that can be opened to reveal whether the player has the winning numbers or symbols."
St. Paul Pioneer Press | 09/07/2006 | Strip club's demise costly
St. Paul Pioneer Press 09/07/2006 Strip club's demise costly: "Can nude dancing help build your neighborhood?
Organizers of a popular festival on St. Paul's East Side concede it can happen � albeit indirectly � and point to next week's abbreviated celebration as evidence.
Traditionally a four-day party, the Payne-Arcade Harvest Festival has been pared to just a parade.
Longtime residents are now finding themselves in the bizarre dilemma of giving thanks for the 1999 closure of the notorious Payne Reliever strip club but missing the steady revenue it produced for the neighborhood.
Pull-tabs purchased at the bar generated sizable charitable gambling proceeds that were directed to the Payne Avenue Business Association, which produces the festival and promotes the avenue's merchants, said Kristin 'Murph' Dawkins, president of the nonprofit association."
Organizers of a popular festival on St. Paul's East Side concede it can happen � albeit indirectly � and point to next week's abbreviated celebration as evidence.
Traditionally a four-day party, the Payne-Arcade Harvest Festival has been pared to just a parade.
Longtime residents are now finding themselves in the bizarre dilemma of giving thanks for the 1999 closure of the notorious Payne Reliever strip club but missing the steady revenue it produced for the neighborhood.
Pull-tabs purchased at the bar generated sizable charitable gambling proceeds that were directed to the Payne Avenue Business Association, which produces the festival and promotes the avenue's merchants, said Kristin 'Murph' Dawkins, president of the nonprofit association."
Saturday, September 02, 2006 :: Heights casino robbed :: Heights casino robbed: "Casino Manager: maybe the state and the voters should have just stopped with the lottery and thats it, as far as gambling there in MT. Sorry something like this had to happen but if there wasnt gambling, pull tabs and the like maybe the crime rate would be a little lower. It would help if there were much stiffer penalties for such crimes also. Seems like everyone is out for the allmighty dollar and they dont care about the honest citizens that have to be victims or worse. I hope the man that was held at gunpoint is ok and that he can continue to go to his job despite this ordeal. As far as the man who committed this crime he should be in jail for a very long time, meaning life!!!!! "
St. Paul Pioneer Press | 08/30/2006 | Smoking ban clears air in bars, study says
St. Paul Pioneer Press 08/30/2006
Smoking ban clears air in bars, study says: "Several bar owners, however, have said the ban is damaging their businesses. And charitable gaming revenue, much of which comes from pull-tabs and is linked to bar business, took a hit after the ban, according to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board.
The survey studied fine particles smaller than 2.5 microns, which are considered more dangerous to human health since they penetrate deeper into the lungs. Secondhand smoke � which contains such toxic chemicals as formaldehyde, cyanide, ammonia and nicotine � is linked to 38,000 deaths annually."
Smoking ban clears air in bars, study says: "Several bar owners, however, have said the ban is damaging their businesses. And charitable gaming revenue, much of which comes from pull-tabs and is linked to bar business, took a hit after the ban, according to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board.
The survey studied fine particles smaller than 2.5 microns, which are considered more dangerous to human health since they penetrate deeper into the lungs. Secondhand smoke � which contains such toxic chemicals as formaldehyde, cyanide, ammonia and nicotine � is linked to 38,000 deaths annually."
Hockey wins, baseball loses on charity pulltabs
Hockey wins, baseball loses on charity pulltabs: "Charitable gambling is huge in Minnesota, which leads the country in participation and profits.
The state had gross receipts totaling $1.4 billion in fiscal 2005, said Tom Barrett, executive director of the state's Gambling Control Board.
Proceeds from charitable gambling, which includes pulltabs, raffles and bingo, can bring nonprofits hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to support their programs and give to charity."
The state had gross receipts totaling $1.4 billion in fiscal 2005, said Tom Barrett, executive director of the state's Gambling Control Board.
Proceeds from charitable gambling, which includes pulltabs, raffles and bingo, can bring nonprofits hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to support their programs and give to charity."
Saturday, August 26, 2006 - Go Fast! Energy Drink and Ball Corporation Team Up for New Branding Opportunity - Go Fast! Energy Drink and Ball Corporation Team Up for New Branding Opportunity: "The �Go Fast Laser Tab� will incorporate Go Fast�s easily identifiable logo branding onto the pull-tabs of all Go Fast! Energy Drink cans. The new laser-incised red tab reinforces the quality of the Go Fast brand with exceptional attention to detail and foresight to the promotional opportunities with the Go Fast Laser Tab and connecting with the consumer from the moment they open the can."
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
St. Paul Pioneer Press | 08/16/2006 | Smoking ban might have hurt charities
St. Paul Pioneer Press 08/16/2006 Smoking ban might have hurt charities:
"According to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board, charitable gambling revenue � most of which comes from pull-tabs � was down 36 percent during the first two months of the ban, which went into effect March 31.
Proceeds dropped from $8.7 million in April and May 2005 to $5.5 million for the same months in 2006. Because pull-tabs are mainly sold in bars, that revenue often is seen as an indicator of how well the establishments are doing.
'Officially, the board is neutral on the (smoking ban) policy, but we have seen the impact,' said Tom Barrett, executive director of the state Gambling Control Board."
"According to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board, charitable gambling revenue � most of which comes from pull-tabs � was down 36 percent during the first two months of the ban, which went into effect March 31.
Proceeds dropped from $8.7 million in April and May 2005 to $5.5 million for the same months in 2006. Because pull-tabs are mainly sold in bars, that revenue often is seen as an indicator of how well the establishments are doing.
'Officially, the board is neutral on the (smoking ban) policy, but we have seen the impact,' said Tom Barrett, executive director of the state Gambling Control Board."
Friday, August 11, 2006
New $2 million Cornucopia Art Center in Lanesboro's future?
New $2 million Cornucopia Art Center in Lanesboro's future?: "� The council approved the Parkway Pub as a location for pull tabs for the Lanesboro Fire De-partment."
Carlsbad Current-Argus - Little Argus
Carlsbad Current-Argus - Little Argus: "Bingo slated
CARLSBAD � San Jose Church Appreciation bingo is planned for 7 p.m. Wednesday. Master Packs are $5 and extras are $2.50. Guaranteed bingo payout for the night is $3,000. Total possible payout for the evening is $10,000, including bingo and pull-tabs. Appreciation bingo is held on the second and last Wednesday of each month. "
CARLSBAD � San Jose Church Appreciation bingo is planned for 7 p.m. Wednesday. Master Packs are $5 and extras are $2.50. Guaranteed bingo payout for the night is $3,000. Total possible payout for the evening is $10,000, including bingo and pull-tabs. Appreciation bingo is held on the second and last Wednesday of each month. "
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Man wins $400, then robbed with hatchet
Man wins $400, then robbed with hatchet:
"A man who won $400 in pull-tabs at a Hanover bar was chased down and robbed with a hatchet, police say.
The victim, known as Shaun, won the money at the Hilltop Bar in the town in western Hennepin County.
Police say as he walked home early Tuesday morning along County Road 117, he was chased down by John Bing and Jacques Lafrenier.
Lafrenier chased him with the truck and Bing chased him on foot, wielding the hatchet.
The victim took cover in a ditch and threw his wallet at Bing, giving up his winnings.
During the chase, one of the suspects referred to the victim using the �n� word, even though the victim is in fact Caucasian.
Bill Chandler of the Hennepin County Sheriff�s Office says the crime is relatively rare.
�This is one of the few times we�ve had somebody running after someone with a hatchet,� Chandler says.
Lafrenier and Bing were caught soon afterward.
The victim was not hurt in the robbery."
"A man who won $400 in pull-tabs at a Hanover bar was chased down and robbed with a hatchet, police say.
The victim, known as Shaun, won the money at the Hilltop Bar in the town in western Hennepin County.
Police say as he walked home early Tuesday morning along County Road 117, he was chased down by John Bing and Jacques Lafrenier.
Lafrenier chased him with the truck and Bing chased him on foot, wielding the hatchet.
The victim took cover in a ditch and threw his wallet at Bing, giving up his winnings.
During the chase, one of the suspects referred to the victim using the �n� word, even though the victim is in fact Caucasian.
Bill Chandler of the Hennepin County Sheriff�s Office says the crime is relatively rare.
�This is one of the few times we�ve had somebody running after someone with a hatchet,� Chandler says.
Lafrenier and Bing were caught soon afterward.
The victim was not hurt in the robbery."
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
B.C. government is top lottery winner
B.C. government is top lottery winner:
"BCLC pays a standard commission of five per cent on every lottery product sold, whether it is a standard lottery ticket or pub games like Keno, Pull Tabs and Racetrax. There are also opportunities to increase earnings through bonus programs, Gass said. Until Dec. 31, for example, retailers who sell winning tickets receive graduated bonuses climbing to $2,000 on a prize worth $1 million or more."
"BCLC pays a standard commission of five per cent on every lottery product sold, whether it is a standard lottery ticket or pub games like Keno, Pull Tabs and Racetrax. There are also opportunities to increase earnings through bonus programs, Gass said. Until Dec. 31, for example, retailers who sell winning tickets receive graduated bonuses climbing to $2,000 on a prize worth $1 million or more."
MPR: Tribes say government trying to restrict gaming
MPR: Tribes say government trying to restrict gaming:
"The National Indian Gaming Commission is wrestling with a big issue that could affect Indian gaming in Minnesota. It's trying to decide if playing bingo on a video game is the same as playing a casino slot machine.
The federal agency holds a hearing in Minnesota Monday regarding rule changes for so-called video bingo machines. Some tribal officials say it's an attempt to restrict Indian gaming.
Mahnomen, Minn. � There are three classes of Indian gaming. Class 1 includes traditional games of chance used for ceremonies or celebrations.
Class 2 gaming includes bingo and pull-tabs. Class 2 gaming is not covered under gaming compacts between tribes and states, and the state has no regulatory authority over class 2 games.
Finally, there are class 3 games, the high-stakes slot machines and card games played in casinos, that are allowed by tribal/state compacts."
"The National Indian Gaming Commission is wrestling with a big issue that could affect Indian gaming in Minnesota. It's trying to decide if playing bingo on a video game is the same as playing a casino slot machine.
The federal agency holds a hearing in Minnesota Monday regarding rule changes for so-called video bingo machines. Some tribal officials say it's an attempt to restrict Indian gaming.
Mahnomen, Minn. � There are three classes of Indian gaming. Class 1 includes traditional games of chance used for ceremonies or celebrations.
Class 2 gaming includes bingo and pull-tabs. Class 2 gaming is not covered under gaming compacts between tribes and states, and the state has no regulatory authority over class 2 games.
Finally, there are class 3 games, the high-stakes slot machines and card games played in casinos, that are allowed by tribal/state compacts." - The Alaska Baseball League: A major league pipeline - The Alaska Baseball League: A major league pipeline:
"Yet five of the ABL's six teams would not survive without revenue from bingo parlors and charitable gaming tickets called pull-tabs. The sixth is funded by a Christian organization. Food and beer sales bring in a large-enough chunk of money that the nonprofit teams sometimes fork out handfuls of free tickets to get fans into the park."
"Yet five of the ABL's six teams would not survive without revenue from bingo parlors and charitable gaming tickets called pull-tabs. The sixth is funded by a Christian organization. Food and beer sales bring in a large-enough chunk of money that the nonprofit teams sometimes fork out handfuls of free tickets to get fans into the park."
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The Evening Bulletin - Gambling Fever: Wages On The Rise Along With Ethical Concerns
The Evening Bulletin - Gambling Fever: Wages On The Rise Along With Ethical Concerns: "Social Poison
Doctors who gathered at the recent annual conference of the British Medical Association termed gambling a 'social poison,' the Scotsman newspaper reported June 28. 'Gambling addiction is as corrosive as drug addiction and alcoholism in terms of family breakup and financial ruin,' said Dr. David Sinclair, a general practitioner.
Canada's Vanier Institute of the Family was also critical of gambling. It released a study June 11 entitled 'Gambling with our (Kids') Futures: Gambling as a Family Policy Issue.'
The author, Arlene Moscovitch, noted that the country abounds in places where you can lose your money: 87,000 gambling machines; 33,000 lottery ticket centers; 60 permanent casinos; and 250 racetracks and teletheaters. There are also 25,000 licenses for bingo, temporary raffles, and pull tabs, such as lottery-type tickets.
In 2003-04, government-run gambling rang up a gross profit of $13 billion Canadian ($11.6 billion U.S.), an increase of $700 million Canadian ($629 million U.S.) from the reported profits of the year before. Of that, $6.4 billion Canadian was net profit for the provinces.
People are continually presented with visions of the 'good life' to be gained through getting lucky and raking in a big win. That message arrives via numerous gambling advertisements in print, on radio, television, the Internet and billboards, Moscovitch noted.
The Vanier Institute paper cited research on Canadian gamblers showing the following:
* The per-adult gambling loss in Canada for 2003-04 was $596 Canadian - nearly $50 Canadian per person per month.
* Household spending is estimated at $1,080 Canadian"
Doctors who gathered at the recent annual conference of the British Medical Association termed gambling a 'social poison,' the Scotsman newspaper reported June 28. 'Gambling addiction is as corrosive as drug addiction and alcoholism in terms of family breakup and financial ruin,' said Dr. David Sinclair, a general practitioner.
Canada's Vanier Institute of the Family was also critical of gambling. It released a study June 11 entitled 'Gambling with our (Kids') Futures: Gambling as a Family Policy Issue.'
The author, Arlene Moscovitch, noted that the country abounds in places where you can lose your money: 87,000 gambling machines; 33,000 lottery ticket centers; 60 permanent casinos; and 250 racetracks and teletheaters. There are also 25,000 licenses for bingo, temporary raffles, and pull tabs, such as lottery-type tickets.
In 2003-04, government-run gambling rang up a gross profit of $13 billion Canadian ($11.6 billion U.S.), an increase of $700 million Canadian ($629 million U.S.) from the reported profits of the year before. Of that, $6.4 billion Canadian was net profit for the provinces.
People are continually presented with visions of the 'good life' to be gained through getting lucky and raking in a big win. That message arrives via numerous gambling advertisements in print, on radio, television, the Internet and billboards, Moscovitch noted.
The Vanier Institute paper cited research on Canadian gamblers showing the following:
* The per-adult gambling loss in Canada for 2003-04 was $596 Canadian - nearly $50 Canadian per person per month.
* Household spending is estimated at $1,080 Canadian"
The push for pull-tabs gains a little momentum |
The push for pull-tabs gains a little momentum "By Michael Pointer
Developments at the ballot box during the past two years have pull-tab machine proponents feeling a bit more optimistic than usual.
In 2004, state Sen. Lawrence M. Borst, R-Greenwood, was defeated in the primary. This year, Sen. Robert Garton, R-Columbus, was handed a primary loss.
Both men opposed the racing industry's attempts to add pull-tab machines to the state's tracks -- and could do something about it.
Borst was the powerful head of the Senate Finance Committee. Garton is winding down a 26-year tenure as Senate President Pro Tempore and will leave the legislature in January.
'I think it definitely changes the dynamics,'' said Dwayne Ruhle, a horse owner and trainer from Pendleton and vice president of the Indiana Standardbred Association.
Ruhle is hopeful the Republican-controlled Senate now will at least be given a chance to vote on pull-tab legislation.
But Jerry Walker, a horseman who has lobbied state officials, said another change probably needs to take place during the November elections.
'I think we have a whole lot better chance if we get a Democratic-controlled (House),'' said Walker, a longtime thoroughbred owner and former head of the Indiana Horse Racing and Breeding Coalition.
A Democratic-controlled house passed pull-tab legislation in 2004. But Garton assigned it to a rules committee in the Senate, guaranteeing it wouldn't get a full hearing. Republicans regained control of the House in November's election that year, and pull-tab legislation hasn't come close to passing since.
Even if it were to, there is no guarantee it would become law. Gov. Mitch Daniels has been non-committal on the subject.
'He's general"
Developments at the ballot box during the past two years have pull-tab machine proponents feeling a bit more optimistic than usual.
In 2004, state Sen. Lawrence M. Borst, R-Greenwood, was defeated in the primary. This year, Sen. Robert Garton, R-Columbus, was handed a primary loss.
Both men opposed the racing industry's attempts to add pull-tab machines to the state's tracks -- and could do something about it.
Borst was the powerful head of the Senate Finance Committee. Garton is winding down a 26-year tenure as Senate President Pro Tempore and will leave the legislature in January.
'I think it definitely changes the dynamics,'' said Dwayne Ruhle, a horse owner and trainer from Pendleton and vice president of the Indiana Standardbred Association.
Ruhle is hopeful the Republican-controlled Senate now will at least be given a chance to vote on pull-tab legislation.
But Jerry Walker, a horseman who has lobbied state officials, said another change probably needs to take place during the November elections.
'I think we have a whole lot better chance if we get a Democratic-controlled (House),'' said Walker, a longtime thoroughbred owner and former head of the Indiana Horse Racing and Breeding Coalition.
A Democratic-controlled house passed pull-tab legislation in 2004. But Garton assigned it to a rules committee in the Senate, guaranteeing it wouldn't get a full hearing. Republicans regained control of the House in November's election that year, and pull-tab legislation hasn't come close to passing since.
Even if it were to, there is no guarantee it would become law. Gov. Mitch Daniels has been non-committal on the subject.
'He's general"
Friday, July 07, 2006
Mail Tribune Online Edition - Casinos bring big bucks, but some business owners aren't thrilled - July 3, 2006
Mail Tribune Online Edition - Casinos bring big bucks, but some business owners aren't thrilled - July 3, 2006: "Casinos bring big bucks, but some business owners aren't thrilled
Many small businesses fear large casinos will put them out of business permanently
The Associated Press
KELSO, Wash. � A gaming floor bigger than a Wal-Mart? Dozens of video lottery machines? An adjoining 250-room hotel? Maybe even free food and smoking while you gamble?
And all of it 30 minutes south of Kelso?
Just tell Jim Cunningham when.
'The casinos in this town,' Cunningham grumbled, 'they're not real casinos. They're cardrooms.'
Hunched in Kelso's Highlander Lounge next to a 25-cent video bowling game, Cunningham said he isn't a big gambler. But he'd definitely visit a casino like that from time to time, he said. It'd be a better deal for his money than playing pull-tabs in a local bar.
Words like those strike fear in the hearts of some local business owners. If the federal government approves the Cowlitz Indians' proposal for a reservation and casino/hotel/restaurant complex near La Center, they say other gambling venues � even some bars, who draw a tidy profit from pull-tabs � may as well cash in their chips."
Many small businesses fear large casinos will put them out of business permanently
The Associated Press
KELSO, Wash. � A gaming floor bigger than a Wal-Mart? Dozens of video lottery machines? An adjoining 250-room hotel? Maybe even free food and smoking while you gamble?
And all of it 30 minutes south of Kelso?
Just tell Jim Cunningham when.
'The casinos in this town,' Cunningham grumbled, 'they're not real casinos. They're cardrooms.'
Hunched in Kelso's Highlander Lounge next to a 25-cent video bowling game, Cunningham said he isn't a big gambler. But he'd definitely visit a casino like that from time to time, he said. It'd be a better deal for his money than playing pull-tabs in a local bar.
Words like those strike fear in the hearts of some local business owners. If the federal government approves the Cowlitz Indians' proposal for a reservation and casino/hotel/restaurant complex near La Center, they say other gambling venues � even some bars, who draw a tidy profit from pull-tabs � may as well cash in their chips."
Native American Times - America's Largest Independent, Native American News Source
Native American Times - America's Largest Independent, Native American News Source: "Tornado warning for Class II gaming
Guest commentary
D. Michael McBride III 7/6/2006
A tornado warning affecting Class II Indian Gaming has been issued. Although storm spotters have long reported three, impending, super cell storms, the storm system recently gained structure and intensity. It now poses an imminent threat to tribal sovereignty and the economic viability of Class II gaming. Indian Tribes are advised to take immediate action to protect Indian gaming.
The super cells are comprised of the following:
-The National Indian Gaming Commission�s (�NIGC�) proposed classification standards and definitions for �electronic or electromechanical facsimiles� published on May 25, 2006;
-Recent efforts by the United States Justice Department (�DOJ�) to induce the United States Congress to amend the Johnson Gambling Devices Act; and
-Senate Bill 2078 amending the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (�IGRA�).
Each proposal is fueled by a myriad of conditions, including appeals by the DOJ and the NIGC for bright line clarity between Class II and Class III games, the Jack Abramoff scandal and the ascendancy of Indian gaming as the most successful federal economic development policy in history. The desire by many non-Indian observers to restrict Class II Indian gaming provides additional power to the storms. Although the Senate Report accompanying the IGRA states that tribes should have maximum flexibility to use technology in Class II gaming, the DOJ and NIGC appear committed to the notion that Congress could not have envisioned and would not condone the present advances in technology. "
Guest commentary
D. Michael McBride III 7/6/2006
A tornado warning affecting Class II Indian Gaming has been issued. Although storm spotters have long reported three, impending, super cell storms, the storm system recently gained structure and intensity. It now poses an imminent threat to tribal sovereignty and the economic viability of Class II gaming. Indian Tribes are advised to take immediate action to protect Indian gaming.
The super cells are comprised of the following:
-The National Indian Gaming Commission�s (�NIGC�) proposed classification standards and definitions for �electronic or electromechanical facsimiles� published on May 25, 2006;
-Recent efforts by the United States Justice Department (�DOJ�) to induce the United States Congress to amend the Johnson Gambling Devices Act; and
-Senate Bill 2078 amending the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (�IGRA�).
Each proposal is fueled by a myriad of conditions, including appeals by the DOJ and the NIGC for bright line clarity between Class II and Class III games, the Jack Abramoff scandal and the ascendancy of Indian gaming as the most successful federal economic development policy in history. The desire by many non-Indian observers to restrict Class II Indian gaming provides additional power to the storms. Although the Senate Report accompanying the IGRA states that tribes should have maximum flexibility to use technology in Class II gaming, the DOJ and NIGC appear committed to the notion that Congress could not have envisioned and would not condone the present advances in technology. "
Monday, July 03, 2006
Tribal revenues surge - Seattle -
Tribal revenues surge - Seattle - "Tribal revenues surge
By Deirdre Gregg
Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle)
Updated: 7:00 p.m. CT June 25, 2006
Washington's gaming tribes are generating more revenue by investing heavily in hotels, restaurants, golf courses and other facilities that complement their growing casino businesses.
Gaming revenue at the state's tribal casinos jumped about 28 percent to $1.31 billion in 2005, according to a new study by Alan Meister, an economist at the Los Angeles office of consultant Analysis Group Inc. Tri"
By Deirdre Gregg
Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle)
Updated: 7:00 p.m. CT June 25, 2006
Washington's gaming tribes are generating more revenue by investing heavily in hotels, restaurants, golf courses and other facilities that complement their growing casino businesses.
Gaming revenue at the state's tribal casinos jumped about 28 percent to $1.31 billion in 2005, according to a new study by Alan Meister, an economist at the Los Angeles office of consultant Analysis Group Inc. Tri"
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thirza Defoe's audio broadcast
Thirza will be performing with the Native Theatre Project today on the AIROS network.
Starts at 8:00 p.m. Central Time.
"The Best Place to Grow Pumpkins" is the audio play.
There are three plays that will last 2 1/2 hours.
Native Actors include but not limited to:
Randy Reinholz, Jean Bruce Scott, Arigon Starr, Kalani Queypo, Carolyn Dunn, Thriza DeFoe, Rose Yvonne Coletta, Robert Vestal, Brian Wescott, Jana Lopez, Mary Cordova, Lavonne Andrews, Ian Skorodin, Patty Gomez, Don Priest and Rhiana Yazzie.
The Best Place to Grow Pumpkins by Rhianna Yazzie (Navajo), Super Indian by Arigon Starr (Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma) and Melba's Medicine by Rose-Yvonne Colletta (Lipan-Mescalero Apache).
Starts at 8:00 p.m. Central Time.
"The Best Place to Grow Pumpkins" is the audio play.
There are three plays that will last 2 1/2 hours.
Native Actors include but not limited to:
Randy Reinholz, Jean Bruce Scott, Arigon Starr, Kalani Queypo, Carolyn Dunn, Thriza DeFoe, Rose Yvonne Coletta, Robert Vestal, Brian Wescott, Jana Lopez, Mary Cordova, Lavonne Andrews, Ian Skorodin, Patty Gomez, Don Priest and Rhiana Yazzie.
The Best Place to Grow Pumpkins by Rhianna Yazzie (Navajo), Super Indian by Arigon Starr (Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma) and Melba's Medicine by Rose-Yvonne Colletta (Lipan-Mescalero Apache).
Monday, June 19, 2006
FOX Broadcasting Company: Hell's Kitchen
The best show on right now! Can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen.
Would you serve this at your restaurant? Yes. (Chef Ramsay) I'll ask again. Would you serve this at your restaurant? No.
Standards people. Standards. Not many restaurants adhere to Chef Ramsays.
FOX Broadcasting Company: Hell's Kitchen
Would you serve this at your restaurant? Yes. (Chef Ramsay) I'll ask again. Would you serve this at your restaurant? No.
Standards people. Standards. Not many restaurants adhere to Chef Ramsays.
FOX Broadcasting Company: Hell's Kitchen
Court Approves Racino's Non-Slot Machines
Court Approves Racino's Non-Slot Machines: "In this case, the operators did everything right:
Experts designed the game. Multimedia Games, Inc., a large and experienced supplier of Class II and III gaming devices developed the sweepstakes with outside consultants.
Free alternative means of entry were easily available, so that everyone knew they did not have to spend any money to enter this sweepstakes.
They offered a legitimate product at a legitimate price: $1 for four minutes was the going rate for Internet time.
Many patrons did buy the service. The North Dakota Supreme Court held a sweepstakes selling one-minute phone card for $1 was a sham when patrons threw all the cards in the trash.
They checked first with law enforcement. In May 2005 the operators demonstrated the sweepstakes to the Alabama Attorney General's office, supplied additional requested documents and were told that the A.G. considered it to be legal.
They avoided the technicalities of the anti-gambling laws. For example, under Alabama law, a slot machine must be used in the play of the game. Here, the electronic readers did not contain a random number generator; they merely displayed a predetermined result imprinted on the Qcard. "
Experts designed the game. Multimedia Games, Inc., a large and experienced supplier of Class II and III gaming devices developed the sweepstakes with outside consultants.
Free alternative means of entry were easily available, so that everyone knew they did not have to spend any money to enter this sweepstakes.
They offered a legitimate product at a legitimate price: $1 for four minutes was the going rate for Internet time.
Many patrons did buy the service. The North Dakota Supreme Court held a sweepstakes selling one-minute phone card for $1 was a sham when patrons threw all the cards in the trash.
They checked first with law enforcement. In May 2005 the operators demonstrated the sweepstakes to the Alabama Attorney General's office, supplied additional requested documents and were told that the A.G. considered it to be legal.
They avoided the technicalities of the anti-gambling laws. For example, under Alabama law, a slot machine must be used in the play of the game. Here, the electronic readers did not contain a random number generator; they merely displayed a predetermined result imprinted on the Qcard. "
St. Paul Pioneer Press | 06/16/2006 | Lions Club back in pull-tab business
St. Paul Pioneer Press | 06/16/2006 | Lions Club back in pull-tab business: "Lions Club back in pull-tab business
Venture finds a new home
Pioneer Press
The Cottage Grove Lions Club's biggest source of moneymaking is back.
After a two-month hiatus, the group is selling pull-tabs again, this time at a new location just outside of Cottage Grove � the County Point Restaurant in Denmark Township.
'We're pleased to be back in operation so we can continue to do the charitable work that we do,' said Charlie Anderson, the club's gambling manager.
The organization faced a financial crunch earlier this year when pending redevelopment of the Cottage Square Mall meant the demolition and closure of the New Moon Restaurant. The Cottage Grove Lions Club had sold pull-tabs there dating back to 2000, raising nearly $95,000 annually from the sales.
Lions Club officials said at the time they were unable to find a new location to sell pull-tabs in Cottage Grove. Had a location not been secured, the loss of funds would have affected scores of local organizations."
Venture finds a new home
Pioneer Press
The Cottage Grove Lions Club's biggest source of moneymaking is back.
After a two-month hiatus, the group is selling pull-tabs again, this time at a new location just outside of Cottage Grove � the County Point Restaurant in Denmark Township.
'We're pleased to be back in operation so we can continue to do the charitable work that we do,' said Charlie Anderson, the club's gambling manager.
The organization faced a financial crunch earlier this year when pending redevelopment of the Cottage Square Mall meant the demolition and closure of the New Moon Restaurant. The Cottage Grove Lions Club had sold pull-tabs there dating back to 2000, raising nearly $95,000 annually from the sales.
Lions Club officials said at the time they were unable to find a new location to sell pull-tabs in Cottage Grove. Had a location not been secured, the loss of funds would have affected scores of local organizations."
Lottery to soon debut new look - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington
Lottery to soon debut new look - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington: "Lottery to soon debut new look
Washington lottery players can expect new green tickets July 2, the date the state-run gambling enterprise switches to new machines in its retail outlets.
The switch comes at a time the state Lottery is struggling to maintain its share of the state's exploding gambling market. But the change is not expected to boost the state's shrinking share of the $1.7 billion that gamblers lose each year in Washington.
The change in ticket stock is tied to the installation of new ticket-dispensing machines that are more up to date and use a touch-screen function, Lottery spokeswoman Jacque Coe said.
'The machines we have are old by lottery technology standards,'' Coe said.
'Whereas the old lottery terminals were push-button, these are intuitive; they are touch screen. So they are easier for the retailer to operate.''
'On July 2, we'll go ahead and flip the switch. It'll go live,'' Coe said.
Among South Sound retailers with new gear already installed is Farelli's Pizza and Pool Co., off Yelm Highway south of Lacey.
'It's OK,' Corrine Heck, gambling manager for Farelli's, said of the ticket-dispensing machine Friday.
'I'm so used to the other one, it seemed a little faster. But this one is smaller, and it fits better in the space we have for it.''
As for customers, 'They just want more winners,'' Heck said.
Indeed. The changes in machinery come at a time when the state Lottery is steadily losing its share of the gambling market. The Lottery has seen its overall take of the state gambling dollar plummet in the past decade, dropping to 10 percent last year from 35 percent in 1996, according to data kept by t"
Washington lottery players can expect new green tickets July 2, the date the state-run gambling enterprise switches to new machines in its retail outlets.
The switch comes at a time the state Lottery is struggling to maintain its share of the state's exploding gambling market. But the change is not expected to boost the state's shrinking share of the $1.7 billion that gamblers lose each year in Washington.
The change in ticket stock is tied to the installation of new ticket-dispensing machines that are more up to date and use a touch-screen function, Lottery spokeswoman Jacque Coe said.
'The machines we have are old by lottery technology standards,'' Coe said.
'Whereas the old lottery terminals were push-button, these are intuitive; they are touch screen. So they are easier for the retailer to operate.''
'On July 2, we'll go ahead and flip the switch. It'll go live,'' Coe said.
Among South Sound retailers with new gear already installed is Farelli's Pizza and Pool Co., off Yelm Highway south of Lacey.
'It's OK,' Corrine Heck, gambling manager for Farelli's, said of the ticket-dispensing machine Friday.
'I'm so used to the other one, it seemed a little faster. But this one is smaller, and it fits better in the space we have for it.''
As for customers, 'They just want more winners,'' Heck said.
Indeed. The changes in machinery come at a time when the state Lottery is steadily losing its share of the gambling market. The Lottery has seen its overall take of the state gambling dollar plummet in the past decade, dropping to 10 percent last year from 35 percent in 1996, according to data kept by t"
St. Paul Pioneer Press | 06/16/2006 | Pull-tab seller accused of unfair play
St. Paul Pioneer Press | 06/16/2006 | Pull-tab seller accused of unfair play: "Pull-tab seller accused of unfair play
Prosecutors say employee illegally won $1,500 on the job
Pioneer Press
A Moorhead, Minn., woman who sold pull-tabs at a Withrow bar and restaurant has been accused of fraudulently winning more than $1,500 last year while on the job.
Prosecutors say Judith Rae Hanson, 57, who ran the game for the Bayport American Legion at Sal's Angus Grill, illegally won nine prizes from July through October and registered the winnings under the names of others. She faces gross misdemeanor charges of illegal playing and gambling fraud.
Hanson left the Legion in October. She said Thursday she has not seen the charges and declined to comment.
It's illegal for pull-tab sellers to play the games while selling tickets, gambling officials say, because they might use inside information to give themselves an unfair advantage.
'Whenever sellers are playing, they're cheating,' said Special Agent Cliff Emmert of the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division of the state Department of Public Safety.
Pull-tabs are a regulated form of gambling that charities and other nonprofit organizations use to make money. Customers generally buy them in bars from a bartender or someone in a booth, usually for a dollar each. Players can win $1 to $500"
Prosecutors say employee illegally won $1,500 on the job
Pioneer Press
A Moorhead, Minn., woman who sold pull-tabs at a Withrow bar and restaurant has been accused of fraudulently winning more than $1,500 last year while on the job.
Prosecutors say Judith Rae Hanson, 57, who ran the game for the Bayport American Legion at Sal's Angus Grill, illegally won nine prizes from July through October and registered the winnings under the names of others. She faces gross misdemeanor charges of illegal playing and gambling fraud.
Hanson left the Legion in October. She said Thursday she has not seen the charges and declined to comment.
It's illegal for pull-tab sellers to play the games while selling tickets, gambling officials say, because they might use inside information to give themselves an unfair advantage.
'Whenever sellers are playing, they're cheating,' said Special Agent Cliff Emmert of the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division of the state Department of Public Safety.
Pull-tabs are a regulated form of gambling that charities and other nonprofit organizations use to make money. Customers generally buy them in bars from a bartender or someone in a booth, usually for a dollar each. Players can win $1 to $500"
Saturday, June 10, 2006
DVD review for The New World 2006
Beautifully filmed!
This film is Director Terrence Malik’s script interpretation of the first meeting between 17th Century Virginia’s Native Tribes and European colonists. It is marketed as Pocahontas’s (Q’orianka Kilcher) first meeting/love affair with explorer John Smith. (Colin Farrell)
Mr. Malik’s signature film shows the love story between curious, playful Pocahontas and the conflicted explorer John Smith. Language, age and environment barriers are shown through the eyes of Mr. Malik. The nod for Cinematography is not by chance. This beautiful looking film is deliberately lacking dialogue for historical effect that showed the true ethnic barriers. A narrative voice is utilized for effective story telling of John Smith’s writtens.
The romance and passion between two totally different ethnic people from different cultural roles are encompassed in this historical noted timeframe. The clash or initial meeting of ethnic races was just the start of things to come. The brutal reality of that era is portrayed authentic by Malik. But first and foremost this film is a love story shown through the eyes of a one-of-a-kind director Terrence Malik utilizing body movement and visualization.
The “making of” bonus material is worth a viewing. The behind the scenes chapter tells a story of the rough conditions and preproduction detailed events of trying to give this film an authentic 17th century Virginia settlement feel. I.e. Tribal movement, dress, dialog and set construction.
If you are looking for Dances with Wolves, Last of the Mohicans or a Black Robe film this is not it. This is an artsy film telling a stunning visual love story.
This film is Director Terrence Malik’s script interpretation of the first meeting between 17th Century Virginia’s Native Tribes and European colonists. It is marketed as Pocahontas’s (Q’orianka Kilcher) first meeting/love affair with explorer John Smith. (Colin Farrell)
Mr. Malik’s signature film shows the love story between curious, playful Pocahontas and the conflicted explorer John Smith. Language, age and environment barriers are shown through the eyes of Mr. Malik. The nod for Cinematography is not by chance. This beautiful looking film is deliberately lacking dialogue for historical effect that showed the true ethnic barriers. A narrative voice is utilized for effective story telling of John Smith’s writtens.
The romance and passion between two totally different ethnic people from different cultural roles are encompassed in this historical noted timeframe. The clash or initial meeting of ethnic races was just the start of things to come. The brutal reality of that era is portrayed authentic by Malik. But first and foremost this film is a love story shown through the eyes of a one-of-a-kind director Terrence Malik utilizing body movement and visualization.
The “making of” bonus material is worth a viewing. The behind the scenes chapter tells a story of the rough conditions and preproduction detailed events of trying to give this film an authentic 17th century Virginia settlement feel. I.e. Tribal movement, dress, dialog and set construction.
If you are looking for Dances with Wolves, Last of the Mohicans or a Black Robe film this is not it. This is an artsy film telling a stunning visual love story.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The Minot Daily News: New night club opens on North Broadway - - Minot Daily News
The Minot Daily News: New night club opens on North Broadway - - Minot Daily News: "Among the tiki-tropical theme, the bar also features a dance floor and a free cyber bar downstairs and a DJ booth and band area upstairs. Blackjack, pulltabs and bingo sponsored by the Beaver Boosters are also available."
The Minot Daily News: New night club opens on North Broadway - - Minot Daily News
The Minot Daily News: New night club opens on North Broadway - - Minot Daily News: "Among the tiki-tropical theme, the bar also features a dance floor and a free cyber bar downstairs and a DJ booth and band area upstairs. Blackjack, pulltabs and bingo sponsored by the Beaver Boosters are also available."
Friday, May 26, 2006 - Couple Arrested After 'Bonnie & Clyde'-Style Spree - Couple Arrested After 'Bonnie & Clyde'-Style Spree: "(WCCO) It's a modern day Bonnie and Clyde in central Minnesota. Only police said the couple who went on a crime spree didn't hit banks, they hit liquor and convenient stores in six cities in Stearns and Crow Wing counties.
Investigators said the couple William Kent Miller and Brezzy Ray Lemon would take turns holding up businesses. Their most recent hold up was on Tuesday in Baxter, Minn.
Leah Staneart, a convenience store manager, talked about one of the places the couple hit.
'A man came in here with a gun, and held up an employee for all the cash,' Staneart said.
Sandy Black's store was also hit.
'She came in with a gun, got what she wanted, and went out the back door,' Black said.
Detective Mike Lewandowski of the St. Cloud Police Department said the couple played different roles in the spree. When one was running inside a business, the other would wait in a car to make a fast exit from the scene.
The couple was finally caught after leading police on a high speed chase for 35 miles in Crow Wing County. Lemon managed to run away but was later caught.
At the gas station in St. Cloud, the couple got away with more money because the clerk just happened to be counting cash.
'She was actually counting down the pulltabs and � he was just there,' Staneart said.
Miller and Lemon told police they needed the money to pay for living expenses and drugs.
They have been charged with first degree aggravated robbery, fleeing a peace officer and theft in Crow Wing County.
The couple is being held at the Crow Wing County Jail on $100,000 bail. "
Investigators said the couple William Kent Miller and Brezzy Ray Lemon would take turns holding up businesses. Their most recent hold up was on Tuesday in Baxter, Minn.
Leah Staneart, a convenience store manager, talked about one of the places the couple hit.
'A man came in here with a gun, and held up an employee for all the cash,' Staneart said.
Sandy Black's store was also hit.
'She came in with a gun, got what she wanted, and went out the back door,' Black said.
Detective Mike Lewandowski of the St. Cloud Police Department said the couple played different roles in the spree. When one was running inside a business, the other would wait in a car to make a fast exit from the scene.
The couple was finally caught after leading police on a high speed chase for 35 miles in Crow Wing County. Lemon managed to run away but was later caught.
At the gas station in St. Cloud, the couple got away with more money because the clerk just happened to be counting cash.
'She was actually counting down the pulltabs and � he was just there,' Staneart said.
Miller and Lemon told police they needed the money to pay for living expenses and drugs.
They have been charged with first degree aggravated robbery, fleeing a peace officer and theft in Crow Wing County.
The couple is being held at the Crow Wing County Jail on $100,000 bail. "
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
AED Donated to Stacy Lent Fire Department
AED Donated to Stacy Lent Fire Department: "The Lions hope to raise more money for their community projects on June 3 as they hold their first Stacy Lions Club Bike Run. The Stacy Lent Fire Department sells pull tabs at the Stacy Bar and Grill to help support the indispensable services a community fire department provides. "
The Week Ahead
The Week Ahead: "� Special Olympics: 6 to 10 p.m.
Wednesday at the IBEW Local 176 Hall, 1100 NE Frontage Road. Sponsored by the Shorewood Police Department. Featuring blackjack, cash prizes, pull tabs, a 50/50 raffle and prize raffle. A $100 ticket admits two people to the big night. All proceeds will go to the Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics in Illinois. Call (815) 725-1460."
Wednesday at the IBEW Local 176 Hall, 1100 NE Frontage Road. Sponsored by the Shorewood Police Department. Featuring blackjack, cash prizes, pull tabs, a 50/50 raffle and prize raffle. A $100 ticket admits two people to the big night. All proceeds will go to the Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics in Illinois. Call (815) 725-1460."
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Oklahoma tribe appeals casino ruling to NY federal court
Oklahoma tribe appeals casino ruling to NY federal court: "SYRACUSE, N.Y. The Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma is asking a federal appeals court in New York for authority to go ahead with plans for a Class Two gambling facility in Cayuga County, New York.
The tribe wants the court to reverse a judge's decision throwing out their plan to build a 25 (m) million-dollar gambling hall on a 229-acre farm in Aurelius, 40 miles west of Syracuse.
Class Two gambling includes bingo, pull tabs, lotto, punchboards, tip jars and certain card games. The Seneca-Cayugas currently operate a high-stakes bingo hall in northeastern Oklahoma.
City, county and state officials have been fighting the tribe in the federal courts for three years."
The tribe wants the court to reverse a judge's decision throwing out their plan to build a 25 (m) million-dollar gambling hall on a 229-acre farm in Aurelius, 40 miles west of Syracuse.
Class Two gambling includes bingo, pull tabs, lotto, punchboards, tip jars and certain card games. The Seneca-Cayugas currently operate a high-stakes bingo hall in northeastern Oklahoma.
City, county and state officials have been fighting the tribe in the federal courts for three years."
Saturday, May 13, 2006 | alaska wire : Each season, high school sports teams face fundraising challenge alaska wire : Each season, high school sports teams face fundraising challenge:The Associated Press
Published: May 11, 2006
Last Modified: May 11, 2006 at 09:42 AM
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Bartlett High softball coach Robert Smith spent $3,000 of his own money to help pay for hotels during a team road trip to Fairbanks last season, and gave up about half of his vacation days last season to games and practices.
Softball and baseball programs statewide do not receive school district funding. Coaches volunteer. Money for travel, uniforms, equipment, umpires and field maintenance must be raised by players, parents and coaches.
'Do I get anything out of this? I get a good feeling if we have a great season,' said Smith, who works for the U.S. Marshals Service. 'It's not something to get rich at.'"
Published: May 11, 2006
Last Modified: May 11, 2006 at 09:42 AM
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Bartlett High softball coach Robert Smith spent $3,000 of his own money to help pay for hotels during a team road trip to Fairbanks last season, and gave up about half of his vacation days last season to games and practices.
Softball and baseball programs statewide do not receive school district funding. Coaches volunteer. Money for travel, uniforms, equipment, umpires and field maintenance must be raised by players, parents and coaches.
'Do I get anything out of this? I get a good feeling if we have a great season,' said Smith, who works for the U.S. Marshals Service. 'It's not something to get rich at.'"
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
14th FAITA Review
14th FAITA Review: "All three rings ablaze at Greatest Show On Indian Earth
14th Annual First Americans In The Arts awards
By Leta Rector
BEVERLY HILLS � The Beverly Hilton Hotel chandeliers were a dimmed a little Saturday night. No, no one hit the lightswitch by accident. It�s just that Indian Country of Hollywood�s brightest, best, and beautiful dazzled the hall for the 14th annual First Americans In the Arts awards show. Wes Studi, Nakota LaRance, Tonantzin Carmelo, Zahn McClarnon, DeLanna Studi, Elena Finney, Tyler Christopher and Quese IMC, among others, lit up the Hilton with their talent and with the BLING! ABC-TV �Extreme Makeover Home Edition� and the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians were recipients of special awards bestowed by FAITA."
The list of presenters and those in the audience also was a Who’s Who: Floyd Westerman (looking, talking, breathing and feeling much better after last year’s lung transplant), Saginaw Grant, Rick Schroder, Charlie Hill, beauty/actress Kateri Walker, producer Valerie Redhorse, triple threat actress, dancer, singer Thirza Defoe, publisher Loren Tapahe, The Autry Museum’s Native Voices’ directors Randy Reinholz and Jean Bruce Scott, actress Maree Cheatham, actress/singer Maura Dhu, producer Dina Huntinghorse and photographer Nancy Larson were other luminaries.
14th Annual First Americans In The Arts awards
By Leta Rector
BEVERLY HILLS � The Beverly Hilton Hotel chandeliers were a dimmed a little Saturday night. No, no one hit the lightswitch by accident. It�s just that Indian Country of Hollywood�s brightest, best, and beautiful dazzled the hall for the 14th annual First Americans In the Arts awards show. Wes Studi, Nakota LaRance, Tonantzin Carmelo, Zahn McClarnon, DeLanna Studi, Elena Finney, Tyler Christopher and Quese IMC, among others, lit up the Hilton with their talent and with the BLING! ABC-TV �Extreme Makeover Home Edition� and the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians were recipients of special awards bestowed by FAITA."
The list of presenters and those in the audience also was a Who’s Who: Floyd Westerman (looking, talking, breathing and feeling much better after last year’s lung transplant), Saginaw Grant, Rick Schroder, Charlie Hill, beauty/actress Kateri Walker, producer Valerie Redhorse, triple threat actress, dancer, singer Thirza Defoe, publisher Loren Tapahe, The Autry Museum’s Native Voices’ directors Randy Reinholz and Jean Bruce Scott, actress Maree Cheatham, actress/singer Maura Dhu, producer Dina Huntinghorse and photographer Nancy Larson were other luminaries.
Archive - Community - Council extends shut-off dates, changes electric billing cycle
Archive - Community - Council extends shut-off dates, changes electric billing cycle: "In a final action for the evening, the council approved the VFW to sell pull tabs on city property during Country Days in early June."
Quad-Cities Online
Quad-Cities Online: "The committee-of-the-whole will be presented with an ordinance amendment that would allow non-profits to hold certain gambling games for fundraisers -- roulette, blackjack, poker, pull tabs, craps, bang, beat the dealer, big six, gin rummy, five card stud poker, chuck-a-luck, keno, hold-em poker and merchandise wheel. "
Friday, May 05, 2006 "Appeal lost, TouchPlay gets yanked
The shutdown began early Wednesday; some people were still playing as the machines were turned off.
May 4, 2006
Despite 11th-hour maneuvering by Iowa businesses facing bankruptcy, the Iowa Lottery's controversial experiment with TouchPlay gambling machines appeared to end late Wednesday night.
Businesses that had invested millions of dollars in TouchPlay games in a partnership with the Iowa Lottery were turned down by a judge Wednesday in a last-ditch court appeal, while lobbying efforts for a reprieve from the Iowa Legislature stood little chance of success.
By 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, all 6,400 TouchPlay machines statewide were to be silenced because of action overwhelmingly approved by lawmakers in March. Many Iowans had angrily complained about TouchPlay games, which were nearly identical to slot machines. The games were at 3,000 locations, including neighborhood taverns, grocery stores and convenience stores.
Des Moines lawyer Bret Dublinske, who was involved in Wednesday's court appeal, said it appeared the TouchPlay ban would go into effect late Wednesday night, but he planned to continue to seek a solution to help his client. He represents TouchPlay businessman Bob Lentz, owner of Bob's Amusement Co. of Altoona.
'There are obviously some other legal options that we will have to consider,' including lawsuits seeking damages, Dublinske added.
Iowa Lottery spokeswoman Mary Neubauer said the remote, electronic shutdown of the games began Wednesday morning.
At the News Depot in downtown Des Moines, a video screen on a TouchPlay game read, 'Machine Disabled"
The shutdown began early Wednesday; some people were still playing as the machines were turned off.
May 4, 2006
Despite 11th-hour maneuvering by Iowa businesses facing bankruptcy, the Iowa Lottery's controversial experiment with TouchPlay gambling machines appeared to end late Wednesday night.
Businesses that had invested millions of dollars in TouchPlay games in a partnership with the Iowa Lottery were turned down by a judge Wednesday in a last-ditch court appeal, while lobbying efforts for a reprieve from the Iowa Legislature stood little chance of success.
By 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, all 6,400 TouchPlay machines statewide were to be silenced because of action overwhelmingly approved by lawmakers in March. Many Iowans had angrily complained about TouchPlay games, which were nearly identical to slot machines. The games were at 3,000 locations, including neighborhood taverns, grocery stores and convenience stores.
Des Moines lawyer Bret Dublinske, who was involved in Wednesday's court appeal, said it appeared the TouchPlay ban would go into effect late Wednesday night, but he planned to continue to seek a solution to help his client. He represents TouchPlay businessman Bob Lentz, owner of Bob's Amusement Co. of Altoona.
'There are obviously some other legal options that we will have to consider,' including lawsuits seeking damages, Dublinske added.
Iowa Lottery spokeswoman Mary Neubauer said the remote, electronic shutdown of the games began Wednesday morning.
At the News Depot in downtown Des Moines, a video screen on a TouchPlay game read, 'Machine Disabled"
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Thirza Defoe
Thirza Defoe's website has been updated. It includes new videos, photos and news articles about her current work. (Stone Heart: Everyone Loves A Journey West) Also videos of her Native American dancing styles. Hoop Dance, Fancy Shawl, Traditional, Eagle Dance etc.
Click on Photos/Video
Click on Photos/Video
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Nightwatch: The meat raffle is a way of life at Minnesota bars
Tom Horgen
Last update: April 06, 2006 – 6:24 PM
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When it comes to charitable gambling at Twin Cities bars, there's only one prize other than money that gets people jumping out of their seats.
Raw meat.
Yep, raw meat does something to people. Which would explain the peculiar popularity of the meat raffle.
Huh? Well, if you haven't set foot in a neighborhood bar lately, it's exactly what the name suggests. An emcee walks around the bar selling numbered raffle tickets for $1 apiece. After all the tickets are sold, the emcee spins a paddlewheel -- like in roulette.
The person with the winning number gets to choose from various packages of meat. This is repeated for two to three hours. It keeps people's attention, though. At a recent raffle I went to, each meat package was worth about $20, with steak, ham, ribs and shrimp being among the favorites.
At that value, it's easy to see why bar-goers flock to these shindigs like lions to, well, raw meat. It doesn't cost much to play; in this case, 30 tickets were sold, so at 29-to-1 the odds weren't bad -- better than pulltabs, anyway.
Meat raffles can be found all over the Twin Cities, from their traditional hotbeds in the working-class neighborhoods of northeast Minneapolis and east St. Paul to suburban dive bars.
One of the best takes place from 3 to 7 p.m. Sundays at Tin Cup's, a homey old-school bar on Rice Street in St. Paul. Meat raffles can be a tad uneventful; mostly it's just folks staring into their beer until a number is called. Tin Cup's offers a little more.
For one, it's got polka maestro Roger Van Horn, who, um, rocks. He serenades the meat rafflers every Sunday with what he calls "funtime music." After playing polka music for 50 years in Twin Cities bars, Van Horn brings in a hefty following of old-timers looking to boogie to the sounds of his rare Cordovox accordion. Oh, and there's a clown, too.
In between polka tunes, as senior couples twirled on the small dance floor and "JR" the red-nosed clown moved from table to table with his parlor tricks, numbers were yelled out for raw meat. Winners hoisted open the creaking lid of a 4-foot long cooler, rummaging through pounds of cold meat before claiming their prize.
And it wasn't just old-timers sitting among the steaks and hams thawing out next to glasses of beer at Tin Cup's.
Young people get in on the mix, too. Besides a Goth couple in the corner, there was 25-year-old Alison Voyda, who came with her grandparents last Sunday. They played pulltabs and bought meat-raffle tickets all afternoon and into the evening. Both games are run by nearby St. Bernard's, a Catholic church and K-12 school. As with any charitable game, all proceeds go to the sponsoring charity, while the bar gets a leasing fee (and makes money off drinks, of course).
Voyda's family grew up going to St. Bernard's and hanging out at Rice Street joints like Tin Cup's.
"We go to church in the morning and gamble in the afternoon," grandfather Gene Voyda said. "See, it's all for the church."
Rise of the raffle
No one knows exactly how many meat raffles are operating in Twin Cities bars -- not even the Minnesota Gambling Board, which issues the paddle wheels and tip boards needed to play. The board only tallies how many are in use, not what they're being used for. One thing officials do know, however, is that the raffle devices are in high demand.
Minnesota is increasingly notorious for its meat raffles, said Gambling Board compliance officer Gary Danger, who cited a recent New York Times story spotlighting Minnesota's meaty obsession. We love our meat, and we aren't afraid to show it.
Jimmy Luger, a meat raffle connoisseur, was at Tin Cup's with his parents and girlfriend last Sunday. He'll usually drop $20 on a raffle night -- that's 20 plays. He won six times earlier in the week at another meat raffle, but was empty-handed this night. His girlfriend said the meat isn't that important, anyway.
"We come for the social," she said.
"What do you mean?" Luger cut in, almost flabbergasted. "I come to win the meat."
Where: 1220 Rice St., St. Paul. 651-489-7585.
Meat raffles: 3-7 p.m. Sundays, with polka music by Roger Van Horn, plus another 4-8 p.m. Thursdays, but with no music. • 612-673-7909
Last update: April 06, 2006 – 6:24 PM
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When it comes to charitable gambling at Twin Cities bars, there's only one prize other than money that gets people jumping out of their seats.
Raw meat.
Yep, raw meat does something to people. Which would explain the peculiar popularity of the meat raffle.
Huh? Well, if you haven't set foot in a neighborhood bar lately, it's exactly what the name suggests. An emcee walks around the bar selling numbered raffle tickets for $1 apiece. After all the tickets are sold, the emcee spins a paddlewheel -- like in roulette.
The person with the winning number gets to choose from various packages of meat. This is repeated for two to three hours. It keeps people's attention, though. At a recent raffle I went to, each meat package was worth about $20, with steak, ham, ribs and shrimp being among the favorites.
At that value, it's easy to see why bar-goers flock to these shindigs like lions to, well, raw meat. It doesn't cost much to play; in this case, 30 tickets were sold, so at 29-to-1 the odds weren't bad -- better than pulltabs, anyway.
Meat raffles can be found all over the Twin Cities, from their traditional hotbeds in the working-class neighborhoods of northeast Minneapolis and east St. Paul to suburban dive bars.
One of the best takes place from 3 to 7 p.m. Sundays at Tin Cup's, a homey old-school bar on Rice Street in St. Paul. Meat raffles can be a tad uneventful; mostly it's just folks staring into their beer until a number is called. Tin Cup's offers a little more.
For one, it's got polka maestro Roger Van Horn, who, um, rocks. He serenades the meat rafflers every Sunday with what he calls "funtime music." After playing polka music for 50 years in Twin Cities bars, Van Horn brings in a hefty following of old-timers looking to boogie to the sounds of his rare Cordovox accordion. Oh, and there's a clown, too.
In between polka tunes, as senior couples twirled on the small dance floor and "JR" the red-nosed clown moved from table to table with his parlor tricks, numbers were yelled out for raw meat. Winners hoisted open the creaking lid of a 4-foot long cooler, rummaging through pounds of cold meat before claiming their prize.
And it wasn't just old-timers sitting among the steaks and hams thawing out next to glasses of beer at Tin Cup's.
Young people get in on the mix, too. Besides a Goth couple in the corner, there was 25-year-old Alison Voyda, who came with her grandparents last Sunday. They played pulltabs and bought meat-raffle tickets all afternoon and into the evening. Both games are run by nearby St. Bernard's, a Catholic church and K-12 school. As with any charitable game, all proceeds go to the sponsoring charity, while the bar gets a leasing fee (and makes money off drinks, of course).
Voyda's family grew up going to St. Bernard's and hanging out at Rice Street joints like Tin Cup's.
"We go to church in the morning and gamble in the afternoon," grandfather Gene Voyda said. "See, it's all for the church."
Rise of the raffle
No one knows exactly how many meat raffles are operating in Twin Cities bars -- not even the Minnesota Gambling Board, which issues the paddle wheels and tip boards needed to play. The board only tallies how many are in use, not what they're being used for. One thing officials do know, however, is that the raffle devices are in high demand.
Minnesota is increasingly notorious for its meat raffles, said Gambling Board compliance officer Gary Danger, who cited a recent New York Times story spotlighting Minnesota's meaty obsession. We love our meat, and we aren't afraid to show it.
Jimmy Luger, a meat raffle connoisseur, was at Tin Cup's with his parents and girlfriend last Sunday. He'll usually drop $20 on a raffle night -- that's 20 plays. He won six times earlier in the week at another meat raffle, but was empty-handed this night. His girlfriend said the meat isn't that important, anyway.
"We come for the social," she said.
"What do you mean?" Luger cut in, almost flabbergasted. "I come to win the meat."
Where: 1220 Rice St., St. Paul. 651-489-7585.
Meat raffles: 3-7 p.m. Sundays, with polka music by Roger Van Horn, plus another 4-8 p.m. Thursdays, but with no music. • 612-673-7909
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Rosemount High School turns to pull-tabs
Rosemount High School turns to pull-tabs:
"Rosemount High School turns to pull-tabs
Updated: 03/07/2006 11:21:29 PM
VIDEO Print Story Email to a Friend
A south Metro school is borrowing a technique from the Little League to keep arts and athletics off of the chopping block. Rosemount High School is using profits from pull-tabs to ensure that programs for their kids have sufficient funding.
McDivot�s Pub and Shenanigans Bar in Rosemount don�t seem like the most obvious places to raise money for high school athletes.
'It�s my bad habit, I play them all over the place' said Jeff Meyer.
But it may not be such a bad habit for high school athletes and artists. In recent years, the school has brought in more than $30,000 per year for students.
'We take it and we split it up, 70 percent goes to the athletic department and 30 percent goes to our fine arts department,' said Mike Manning, of Rosemount High School.
Over the last three years, the money has bought band uniforms, sound equipment, and an athletic traininer.
'If you took that money out of the budget, we would really struggle to provide some of the programs that we do,' Manning said.
Others in the community agree.
'I think anything we do to contribute to the school and to the community� is a good thing,' said Michelle Holly, manager of McDivot�s Pub.
Former Rosemount High School student Lacey Thompson was playing pull-tabs at McDivot�s on Tuesday night. She didn�t win any money.
'It�s nice to know that you�re actually gambling for something good,' said Thompson, who was involved in fine arts.
The school has averaged about $36,000 per year from the pull-tab program over the last three years and hopes to make even mor"
"Rosemount High School turns to pull-tabs
Updated: 03/07/2006 11:21:29 PM
VIDEO Print Story Email to a Friend
A south Metro school is borrowing a technique from the Little League to keep arts and athletics off of the chopping block. Rosemount High School is using profits from pull-tabs to ensure that programs for their kids have sufficient funding.
McDivot�s Pub and Shenanigans Bar in Rosemount don�t seem like the most obvious places to raise money for high school athletes.
'It�s my bad habit, I play them all over the place' said Jeff Meyer.
But it may not be such a bad habit for high school athletes and artists. In recent years, the school has brought in more than $30,000 per year for students.
'We take it and we split it up, 70 percent goes to the athletic department and 30 percent goes to our fine arts department,' said Mike Manning, of Rosemount High School.
Over the last three years, the money has bought band uniforms, sound equipment, and an athletic traininer.
'If you took that money out of the budget, we would really struggle to provide some of the programs that we do,' Manning said.
Others in the community agree.
'I think anything we do to contribute to the school and to the community� is a good thing,' said Michelle Holly, manager of McDivot�s Pub.
Former Rosemount High School student Lacey Thompson was playing pull-tabs at McDivot�s on Tuesday night. She didn�t win any money.
'It�s nice to know that you�re actually gambling for something good,' said Thompson, who was involved in fine arts.
The school has averaged about $36,000 per year from the pull-tab program over the last three years and hopes to make even mor"
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
DVD Review for Rent (2006)
Musical emotions run rampant.
When I rented the Rent DVD I was oblivious to any story, music and characters. I did know it was a Broadway show at one time. But that was about it. I sure was in for a surprise when I played this DVD.
Rent takes a one year look into New York’s East Village bohemians. These carefree artists face constant struggles during the late 1980s. The story’s focus is on these two main characters; Mark (Anthony Rapp) an aspiring filmmaker that will just about anything that is not main stream and his roommate is Roger (Adam Pascal) an aspiring songwriter. Shuffle in the many friends who are intertwined in the story of love, sex, drugs, art and friendship.
This DVD musical must be played with a Home Theatre System with Dolby Digital surround sound. The songs come alive with visual art portrayed by the actors/singers. The content hits the heart of its viewer. The dialog is crisp, clear and to the point when sung.
The surprise for me is that I actually will add this DVD to my collection because of the songs. But now I actually know the story behind the music. I will always have Mimi (Rosario Dawson) in my mind during the “Out Tonight” performance at the Catscratch Club. Wow!
Reviewers- Please stop trying to compare film and show experiences. Rentheads go to the theatre. Film enthusiasts purchase this DVD musical. Comparison is futile. Or you will be assimilated in a wash!
When I rented the Rent DVD I was oblivious to any story, music and characters. I did know it was a Broadway show at one time. But that was about it. I sure was in for a surprise when I played this DVD.
Rent takes a one year look into New York’s East Village bohemians. These carefree artists face constant struggles during the late 1980s. The story’s focus is on these two main characters; Mark (Anthony Rapp) an aspiring filmmaker that will just about anything that is not main stream and his roommate is Roger (Adam Pascal) an aspiring songwriter. Shuffle in the many friends who are intertwined in the story of love, sex, drugs, art and friendship.
This DVD musical must be played with a Home Theatre System with Dolby Digital surround sound. The songs come alive with visual art portrayed by the actors/singers. The content hits the heart of its viewer. The dialog is crisp, clear and to the point when sung.
The surprise for me is that I actually will add this DVD to my collection because of the songs. But now I actually know the story behind the music. I will always have Mimi (Rosario Dawson) in my mind during the “Out Tonight” performance at the Catscratch Club. Wow!
Reviewers- Please stop trying to compare film and show experiences. Rentheads go to the theatre. Film enthusiasts purchase this DVD musical. Comparison is futile. Or you will be assimilated in a wash!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Be safe!
Happy Anniversary and St. Patrick's Day! Today is also my 5th wedding anniversary.
How could I ever forget both days?
Happy Anniversary and St. Patrick's Day! Today is also my 5th wedding anniversary.
How could I ever forget both days?
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
DVD Review for Edge of America (2006)
Great film for everyone!
Chris Eyre (Director Smoke Signals, Skins) dribbles us onto the hard court of Three Nations woman’s Basketball. Kenny Williams (James McDaniel) is running from his past. He takes an English teaching position on the Three Nations Reservation in Utah. Unbeknownst to school administrators he is black man. This puts him as a mark for the native students.
Kenny needs some additional income so he thinks of coaching the dismal O’fer Lady Warrior’s basketball team. The interim coach Annie (Irene Bedard) is more of a mother than a coach. The local do-it-all Cuch (Wes Studi) convinces Kenny to coach the woman’s basketball team. Coach Williams soon learns that he is fighting an uphill battle with teamwork and Native family traditions especially Mother Tsosie. (Geraldine Keams)
I absolutely adored this film and totally related to this film. The woman’s balling at my old all Native high school was just as competitive with the more expensed mostly white high schools. The gym, attendance and excitement took me back to the days of playing ball for the love of it and close-knit teammates.
I try not to be a nit pick on an overall good film, but the film started off with some shaky camera angles following Kenny to the Three Nations reservation. (Personal preference) It was probably due to the handheld cameras. After a few minutes it disappeared. Filming the basketball action was comparable to other basketball films that I have seen. But I wished I would have seen the free throws.
Carla (Delanni Studi), Shirleen (Misty Upham) and Marissa (Deanna Allison) are some of the talented actresses that make up the basketball team. Leroy McKinney (Tim Daly/Producer) is the father of Carla who struggles with the loss of his wife. And the angry, outspoken Franklin (Eddie Spears) is Carla’s boyfriend plays his character outstanding. This film contains a lot of talented Native actors who are now more popular since filming.
This film was filmed in 2002 for Showtime. Maybe it’s just me but these films need to get released to the general public faster. Though, money is always at the root of the problem. I have to give kudos to Annie Humphrey’s songs that fit perfectly for this film.
Purchase this DVD for the entire family. There are not many extras on the DVD, but there is a filmography for the main actors.
Chris Eyre (Director Smoke Signals, Skins) dribbles us onto the hard court of Three Nations woman’s Basketball. Kenny Williams (James McDaniel) is running from his past. He takes an English teaching position on the Three Nations Reservation in Utah. Unbeknownst to school administrators he is black man. This puts him as a mark for the native students.
Kenny needs some additional income so he thinks of coaching the dismal O’fer Lady Warrior’s basketball team. The interim coach Annie (Irene Bedard) is more of a mother than a coach. The local do-it-all Cuch (Wes Studi) convinces Kenny to coach the woman’s basketball team. Coach Williams soon learns that he is fighting an uphill battle with teamwork and Native family traditions especially Mother Tsosie. (Geraldine Keams)
I absolutely adored this film and totally related to this film. The woman’s balling at my old all Native high school was just as competitive with the more expensed mostly white high schools. The gym, attendance and excitement took me back to the days of playing ball for the love of it and close-knit teammates.
I try not to be a nit pick on an overall good film, but the film started off with some shaky camera angles following Kenny to the Three Nations reservation. (Personal preference) It was probably due to the handheld cameras. After a few minutes it disappeared. Filming the basketball action was comparable to other basketball films that I have seen. But I wished I would have seen the free throws.
Carla (Delanni Studi), Shirleen (Misty Upham) and Marissa (Deanna Allison) are some of the talented actresses that make up the basketball team. Leroy McKinney (Tim Daly/Producer) is the father of Carla who struggles with the loss of his wife. And the angry, outspoken Franklin (Eddie Spears) is Carla’s boyfriend plays his character outstanding. This film contains a lot of talented Native actors who are now more popular since filming.
This film was filmed in 2002 for Showtime. Maybe it’s just me but these films need to get released to the general public faster. Though, money is always at the root of the problem. I have to give kudos to Annie Humphrey’s songs that fit perfectly for this film.
Purchase this DVD for the entire family. There are not many extras on the DVD, but there is a filmography for the main actors.
Monday, March 06, 2006
American Indian Airwaves Rundown 3-8-06
Tune into Listen Live. Streaming internet radio.
Wednesday, 3/8/06, on American Indian Airwaves
Part 1:__________________________________John Trudell ( and Heather Rae, Director join us to discuss the opening in Los Angeles of "Trudell: The Movie" ( at the Lemmele Theater starting March 10th, 2006.
Part 2:__________________________________Arigon Starr (Kickapoo-Creek-Cherokee & Seneca Nations) ( and Thirza Defoe (Lac Du Flambeau Nation) ( join us live in studio as they talk about their work with Native Voices at The Autry (
American Indian Airwaves regularly broadcast every Wednesday from 3pm to 4pm (PCT) on KPFK ( FM 90.7 in Los Angles, FM 98.7 in Santa Barbara, and by Internet with Real Media Player, Winamp, & Itunes
Wednesday, 3/8/06, on American Indian Airwaves
Part 1:__________________________________John Trudell ( and Heather Rae, Director join us to discuss the opening in Los Angeles of "Trudell: The Movie" ( at the Lemmele Theater starting March 10th, 2006.
Part 2:__________________________________Arigon Starr (Kickapoo-Creek-Cherokee & Seneca Nations) ( and Thirza Defoe (Lac Du Flambeau Nation) ( join us live in studio as they talk about their work with Native Voices at The Autry (
American Indian Airwaves regularly broadcast every Wednesday from 3pm to 4pm (PCT) on KPFK ( FM 90.7 in Los Angles, FM 98.7 in Santa Barbara, and by Internet with Real Media Player, Winamp, & Itunes
Friday, March 03, 2006
DVD Review “Man of Faith” 2006
Be Healed!
“Man of Faith” was originally developed in 2002 as “The Calling.” The direct to DVD was released January 2006 as “Man of Faith.”
Damian Chapa is the writer/directed and portrays the main character Leroy Jenkins. The DVD is based on the true story of the flamboyant evangelist Leroy Jenkins-And how he became one of the largest ministries in the country. His followers claim he has the power to heal with his hands. Does he truly make miracles happen?
The DVD follows his orphaned childhood through his difficult adult endeavors. Leroy’s own healing experience catapults him into believing. He is taken under the wings of his healing evangelist. Leroy learns the subtle nuisances of running a healing ministry.
The power to heal with faith is a very controversial topic, but this DVD does not take sides to belief or non-belief. It covers the life experiences of a man of faith. And his surrounding cast. The wealth and celebrity status made him a marked man. Leroy has enemies from ever aspect of life trying to destroy his lifestyle.
Robert Wagner (Amos), Faye Dunaway (Mae West) and Jill St. James (Elegant Lady) have cameo appearances. This movie was written with a loose script. It does not tackle any hard facts or any follow up on the healed. It is not filmed in documentary style so don’t expect to be consumed with faith afterwards. Watch it for the moving experience.
“Man of Faith” was originally developed in 2002 as “The Calling.” The direct to DVD was released January 2006 as “Man of Faith.”
Damian Chapa is the writer/directed and portrays the main character Leroy Jenkins. The DVD is based on the true story of the flamboyant evangelist Leroy Jenkins-And how he became one of the largest ministries in the country. His followers claim he has the power to heal with his hands. Does he truly make miracles happen?
The DVD follows his orphaned childhood through his difficult adult endeavors. Leroy’s own healing experience catapults him into believing. He is taken under the wings of his healing evangelist. Leroy learns the subtle nuisances of running a healing ministry.
The power to heal with faith is a very controversial topic, but this DVD does not take sides to belief or non-belief. It covers the life experiences of a man of faith. And his surrounding cast. The wealth and celebrity status made him a marked man. Leroy has enemies from ever aspect of life trying to destroy his lifestyle.
Robert Wagner (Amos), Faye Dunaway (Mae West) and Jill St. James (Elegant Lady) have cameo appearances. This movie was written with a loose script. It does not tackle any hard facts or any follow up on the healed. It is not filmed in documentary style so don’t expect to be consumed with faith afterwards. Watch it for the moving experience.
Saturday, February 18, 2006

Autry National Center
4700 Western Heritage Way
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Don't miss Native Voices at the Autry's World Premiere of STONE HEART by Diane Glancy (Cherokee), Directed by Randy Reinholz (Choctaw).† STONE HEART opens at The Autry National Center in Los Angeles, California on February 17, 2006 and runs through March 12, 2006 before moving to New York and Washington DC to play in the theaters at the National Museum of the American Indian April 6 through the 11, 2006.†
STONE HEART ~ At the Autry National Center
February 17 - March 12
Fridays & Saturdays - 8:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday Matinees - 2:00 pm
Tuesday & Wednesday Student Matinees - 10:30 am
Tickets: General $20, Autry Members $12
Groups of 10 or more save 20%
Call TicketWeb for reservations at 866.468.3399,†
For group sales please call 323.667.2000, ext.391
To book the touring show of STONE HEART in your theater contact:
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West
Yadhira De Leon
323.667.2000, ext. 327
Native Voices at the Autry Presents:
Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West
A play by Diane Glancy (Cherokee)
February 17 through March 12, 2006
Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm
Saturday and Sunday Matinees at 2pm
Tuesday and Thursday Student Matinees
Los Angeles (December 14, 2005)— SACAJAWEA: I see horses coming from the sky.
I see them change into canoes and I am rowing.
I see my oars are wings.
I hear the clouds talking.
They talk until they are shouting.
Their voices are hailstones pounding the river.
The water is turbulent and hard to row.
I shake my oars which are wings
but I do not fly.
On the beautiful afternoon of April 7, 1805, the Lewis and Clark expedition depart from Fort Mandan in North Dakota on their journey up the Missouri River in search of the Pacific Ocean. With newborn in tow, the story of a young Shoshoni woman, Sacajawea, is revealed through the highly-visual, profound words of award-winning author and playwright Diane Glancy (Cherokee). York, Clark’s black slave, also has a voice, and together with Sacajawea, shed a new light on the Lewis and Clark’s 1804–1806 Corps of Discovery expedition.
YORK: I have traveled with this expedition as a man unlike others— My grandfathers came on a slave ship across the ocean. I rowed a canoe across a continent.
This full Equity production of Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West is about betrayal and choice. Based on Glancy’s novel, Stone Heart: A Novel of Sacajawea, it exposes the courage of these two enigmatic individuals who traveled to the sea and back on a perilous journey of the heart.
SACAJAWEA: In the end, my oars were wings. In the end, I am Bird Woman who knew how to fly.
Sacajawea- Thirza Defoe (Ojibwe, Oneida)
York- Jed Reynolds
Lewis and Clark- Tim Glenn
Director- Randy Reinholz (Choctaw)
Dramaturg- Bryan Davidson
Lighting Director- Craig Wolf
Music Composer/Performer- Patrick Shendo-Mirabal (Jemes, Taos Pueblo)
Biographies and images available upon request.
Stone Heart runs February 17 through March 12, 2006. Fridays & Saturdays: 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Matinees: 2 p.m. Tuesday & Wednesday Student Matinees: 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $20 / Members $12. Groups of 10 or more save 20%. Group leaders and schools: please call 323.667.2000, ext. 257. For reservations, call TicketWeb at 866.468.3399 or visit
Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West will begin a nationwide tour starting at the National Museum of the American Indian in New York City and Washington DC in April 2006.
Panel Discussion for Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West
Sunday, February 19
2 – 5 pm
Sacajawea’s Voice
A conversation with award-winning author and playwright Diane Glancy (Cherokee) and Virginia Scharff, Professor of History, University of New Mexico, and Women of the West Chair, Autry National Center. In conjunction with Diane Glancy’s play, Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West, which begins at 2 p.m. Meet the cast and producers at a reception and join the panel immediately following. To RSVP, call 323.667.2000, ext. 354.
About the Playwright
Diane Glancy (Cherokee) is a celebrated author and playwright. Her quest to discover the real story of Sacajawea has turned into a five-year labor of love, visiting the rivers and camps where Sacajawea traversed and slept. Authoring a novel and now a play based on countless hours of research and viewing copies of the original Lewis and Clark journals, her desire to tell the true story of Sacajawea is being fulfilled.
“At the banks of the Missouri River, I found a small stone in the shape of a beaver, and as I held it, the phrase ‘stone heart’ came to me. Here was the permission I sought from the land and the river to write the voices they held. This stone was the token for the book, and it appears on the cover.” Diane Glancy
Glancy is currently on a four-year sabbatical from Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she taught Native American Literature and Creative Writing. Glancy’s latest books are Rooms, a collection of new and selected poems; In-between Places, a collection of essays; and The Dance Partner: Stories of the Late-19th-century Ghost Dance. In addition, she has published two books of plays, War Cries and American Gypsy. Glancy is the recipient of the 2005 Envision Fellowship in Playwriting from Bard College and Voice and Vision Theater in New York. She is also the recipient of numerous awards, including a National Endowment for the Arts Award and a Minnesota Book Award.
About Native Voices at the Autry
In 2000, the Autry National Center launched Native Voices at the Autry, a theater company devoted to developing and producing new works for the stage by Native American playwrights. This project brings established, mid-career, and/or emerging Native writers to the Autry to workshop material with professional directors, dramaturges, and actors.
Native Voices at the Autry is a Constituent of Theatre Communications Group (TCG), the national organization for the American theater.
Native Voices at the Autry is an Organizational Member of LA Stage Alliance, Los Angeles's non-profit organization dedicated to building awareness, appreciation and support for the performing arts.
About the Autry National Center
The Autry National Center is composed of the Southwest Museum of the American Indian and the Museum of the American West (formerly the Autry Museum of Western Heritage), and the Institute for the Study of the American West in Los Angeles. For more information about the Autry, visit or call 323.667.2000.
323.667.2000, ext. 327
Native Voices at the Autry Presents:
Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West
A play by Diane Glancy (Cherokee)
February 17 through March 12, 2006
Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm
Saturday and Sunday Matinees at 2pm
Tuesday and Thursday Student Matinees
Los Angeles (December 14, 2005)— SACAJAWEA: I see horses coming from the sky.
I see them change into canoes and I am rowing.
I see my oars are wings.
I hear the clouds talking.
They talk until they are shouting.
Their voices are hailstones pounding the river.
The water is turbulent and hard to row.
I shake my oars which are wings
but I do not fly.
On the beautiful afternoon of April 7, 1805, the Lewis and Clark expedition depart from Fort Mandan in North Dakota on their journey up the Missouri River in search of the Pacific Ocean. With newborn in tow, the story of a young Shoshoni woman, Sacajawea, is revealed through the highly-visual, profound words of award-winning author and playwright Diane Glancy (Cherokee). York, Clark’s black slave, also has a voice, and together with Sacajawea, shed a new light on the Lewis and Clark’s 1804–1806 Corps of Discovery expedition.
YORK: I have traveled with this expedition as a man unlike others— My grandfathers came on a slave ship across the ocean. I rowed a canoe across a continent.
This full Equity production of Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West is about betrayal and choice. Based on Glancy’s novel, Stone Heart: A Novel of Sacajawea, it exposes the courage of these two enigmatic individuals who traveled to the sea and back on a perilous journey of the heart.
SACAJAWEA: In the end, my oars were wings. In the end, I am Bird Woman who knew how to fly.
Sacajawea- Thirza Defoe (Ojibwe, Oneida)
York- Jed Reynolds
Lewis and Clark- Tim Glenn
Director- Randy Reinholz (Choctaw)
Dramaturg- Bryan Davidson
Lighting Director- Craig Wolf
Music Composer/Performer- Patrick Shendo-Mirabal (Jemes, Taos Pueblo)
Biographies and images available upon request.
Stone Heart runs February 17 through March 12, 2006. Fridays & Saturdays: 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Matinees: 2 p.m. Tuesday & Wednesday Student Matinees: 10:30 a.m. Tickets: $20 / Members $12. Groups of 10 or more save 20%. Group leaders and schools: please call 323.667.2000, ext. 257. For reservations, call TicketWeb at 866.468.3399 or visit
Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West will begin a nationwide tour starting at the National Museum of the American Indian in New York City and Washington DC in April 2006.
Panel Discussion for Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West
Sunday, February 19
2 – 5 pm
Sacajawea’s Voice
A conversation with award-winning author and playwright Diane Glancy (Cherokee) and Virginia Scharff, Professor of History, University of New Mexico, and Women of the West Chair, Autry National Center. In conjunction with Diane Glancy’s play, Stone Heart: Everyone Loves a Journey West, which begins at 2 p.m. Meet the cast and producers at a reception and join the panel immediately following. To RSVP, call 323.667.2000, ext. 354.
About the Playwright
Diane Glancy (Cherokee) is a celebrated author and playwright. Her quest to discover the real story of Sacajawea has turned into a five-year labor of love, visiting the rivers and camps where Sacajawea traversed and slept. Authoring a novel and now a play based on countless hours of research and viewing copies of the original Lewis and Clark journals, her desire to tell the true story of Sacajawea is being fulfilled.
“At the banks of the Missouri River, I found a small stone in the shape of a beaver, and as I held it, the phrase ‘stone heart’ came to me. Here was the permission I sought from the land and the river to write the voices they held. This stone was the token for the book, and it appears on the cover.” Diane Glancy
Glancy is currently on a four-year sabbatical from Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she taught Native American Literature and Creative Writing. Glancy’s latest books are Rooms, a collection of new and selected poems; In-between Places, a collection of essays; and The Dance Partner: Stories of the Late-19th-century Ghost Dance. In addition, she has published two books of plays, War Cries and American Gypsy. Glancy is the recipient of the 2005 Envision Fellowship in Playwriting from Bard College and Voice and Vision Theater in New York. She is also the recipient of numerous awards, including a National Endowment for the Arts Award and a Minnesota Book Award.
About Native Voices at the Autry
In 2000, the Autry National Center launched Native Voices at the Autry, a theater company devoted to developing and producing new works for the stage by Native American playwrights. This project brings established, mid-career, and/or emerging Native writers to the Autry to workshop material with professional directors, dramaturges, and actors.
Native Voices at the Autry is a Constituent of Theatre Communications Group (TCG), the national organization for the American theater.
Native Voices at the Autry is an Organizational Member of LA Stage Alliance, Los Angeles's non-profit organization dedicated to building awareness, appreciation and support for the performing arts.
About the Autry National Center
The Autry National Center is composed of the Southwest Museum of the American Indian and the Museum of the American West (formerly the Autry Museum of Western Heritage), and the Institute for the Study of the American West in Los Angeles. For more information about the Autry, visit or call 323.667.2000.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
DVD review for Serenity (2005)
A great sci-fi movie!
Serenity rebukes the traditional Hollywood system for making TV series into movies. A successful TV series gets its niche viewers established and then a movie deal is struck. Serenity was based on the 2002 Firefly TV series. This series was pulled after its first year. It was not allowed to age and prosper.
After Firefly gets cancelled, Director and writer Joss Whedon decides to make a movie based on his television show Firefly. To build movie hype, He says to his viewers to get the word out utilized unconventional means. First of all he pleads with Firefly viewers to spread the word about his upcoming Serenity movie using internet blogs and chat rooms. The word of the movie Serenity starts running rampant with his new sci-fi thriller.
Serenity stands by itself as a great movie. The viewer can quickly catch on to the feel of the movie. Firefly TV series followers will not be disappointed as Joss Whedon stays the course of the TV series. Humor and action is still utilized along with modern day innuendos which give this movie some repeat viewing.
Capt. Mal Reynolds (Nathan Fillion) commands his lady (Serenity ship) and its crew of personalities. Second command Zoë (Gina Torres), Pilot Wash (Alan Tudyk), Muscle Jayne (Adam Baldwin), Engineer Kaylee (Jewel Straite) and Mal’s flame Inara (Morena Baccarin). When Mal picks up Doctor Simon’s (Sean Maher) sister River (Summer Glau) strange things happen. Everyone is suddenly after them. It could be the Reavers (crazy human cannibals), Alliance assassins and/or possibly his own crew.
I give this DVD a must buy for Sci-Fi thrillers. If you have not seen the Firefly series play the Joss Whedon introduction first. And spread the word.
Serenity rebukes the traditional Hollywood system for making TV series into movies. A successful TV series gets its niche viewers established and then a movie deal is struck. Serenity was based on the 2002 Firefly TV series. This series was pulled after its first year. It was not allowed to age and prosper.
After Firefly gets cancelled, Director and writer Joss Whedon decides to make a movie based on his television show Firefly. To build movie hype, He says to his viewers to get the word out utilized unconventional means. First of all he pleads with Firefly viewers to spread the word about his upcoming Serenity movie using internet blogs and chat rooms. The word of the movie Serenity starts running rampant with his new sci-fi thriller.
Serenity stands by itself as a great movie. The viewer can quickly catch on to the feel of the movie. Firefly TV series followers will not be disappointed as Joss Whedon stays the course of the TV series. Humor and action is still utilized along with modern day innuendos which give this movie some repeat viewing.
Capt. Mal Reynolds (Nathan Fillion) commands his lady (Serenity ship) and its crew of personalities. Second command Zoë (Gina Torres), Pilot Wash (Alan Tudyk), Muscle Jayne (Adam Baldwin), Engineer Kaylee (Jewel Straite) and Mal’s flame Inara (Morena Baccarin). When Mal picks up Doctor Simon’s (Sean Maher) sister River (Summer Glau) strange things happen. Everyone is suddenly after them. It could be the Reavers (crazy human cannibals), Alliance assassins and/or possibly his own crew.
I give this DVD a must buy for Sci-Fi thrillers. If you have not seen the Firefly series play the Joss Whedon introduction first. And spread the word.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Pull tabs store robbed
Article Published: Sunday, January 08, 2006
By AMANDA BOHMAN, Staff Writer
A man with a gun robbed an Emerald Isle Pull Tabs store on Saturday in what was the third holdup of a Fairbanks business in 15 days.
The man is described as white, of medium height and slender build with blue eyes, said pull tabs store owner Dave Lambert.
The robber donned a ski mask before entering the store in the Washington Plaza off Airport Way about 4 p.m., Lambert said.
He pointed a 9mm semi-automatic pistol at the clerk on duty and a customer, the only two people occupying the store, and demanded money, Lambert said.
The robber placed the cash inside a bag with a drawstring and left the store on foot, the owner said.
"He went off running down toward the Klondike Inn," Lambert said.
The robbery, which transpired in less than a minute, netted the gunman less than $100, Lambert said.
As in a previous pull tabs store robbery, the man was caught on videotape.
A reward will be offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the robber, Lambert said. The reward amount is yet to be determined.
The suspect in two other robberies remains at large.
A man with a gun robbed the Lions Choice Pull Tabs the afternoon of Dec. 23 before disappearing into a swarm of Christmas shoppers at the Bentley Mall. A unidentified man robbed Tahiti Tans on College Road the evening of Jan. 2.
In all three robberies, the man, described as about 5 feet 9 inches tall, covered his face and head and fled the scene on foot. The same weapon seems to have been used in the two pull tabs store robberies.
The suspect in the first pull tabs store robbery reportedly loitered outside the store front for about an hour before entering the store and pointing a gun at the clerk and her son.
The robbery gained the man about $880, and a $1,000 reward is being offered for information leading to his arrest and conviction.
A man with a face mask and hooded sweatshirt entered Tahiti Tans as the daughter of the owner was cleaning up. The business was closed, but the front door was left unlocked.
The robber kept his hands in his pockets and demanded the woman open the safe. She didn't have the combination, so she directed him to the cash register where there was less than $200.
Anyone with information about the robberies is asked to call Fairbanks police at 459-6500 or Fairbanks Crime Stoppers at 456-CLUE.
Reporter Amanda Bohman can be reached at or 459-7544.
Article Published: Sunday, January 08, 2006
By AMANDA BOHMAN, Staff Writer
A man with a gun robbed an Emerald Isle Pull Tabs store on Saturday in what was the third holdup of a Fairbanks business in 15 days.
The man is described as white, of medium height and slender build with blue eyes, said pull tabs store owner Dave Lambert.
The robber donned a ski mask before entering the store in the Washington Plaza off Airport Way about 4 p.m., Lambert said.
He pointed a 9mm semi-automatic pistol at the clerk on duty and a customer, the only two people occupying the store, and demanded money, Lambert said.
The robber placed the cash inside a bag with a drawstring and left the store on foot, the owner said.
"He went off running down toward the Klondike Inn," Lambert said.
The robbery, which transpired in less than a minute, netted the gunman less than $100, Lambert said.
As in a previous pull tabs store robbery, the man was caught on videotape.
A reward will be offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the robber, Lambert said. The reward amount is yet to be determined.
The suspect in two other robberies remains at large.
A man with a gun robbed the Lions Choice Pull Tabs the afternoon of Dec. 23 before disappearing into a swarm of Christmas shoppers at the Bentley Mall. A unidentified man robbed Tahiti Tans on College Road the evening of Jan. 2.
In all three robberies, the man, described as about 5 feet 9 inches tall, covered his face and head and fled the scene on foot. The same weapon seems to have been used in the two pull tabs store robberies.
The suspect in the first pull tabs store robbery reportedly loitered outside the store front for about an hour before entering the store and pointing a gun at the clerk and her son.
The robbery gained the man about $880, and a $1,000 reward is being offered for information leading to his arrest and conviction.
A man with a face mask and hooded sweatshirt entered Tahiti Tans as the daughter of the owner was cleaning up. The business was closed, but the front door was left unlocked.
The robber kept his hands in his pockets and demanded the woman open the safe. She didn't have the combination, so she directed him to the cash register where there was less than $200.
Anyone with information about the robberies is asked to call Fairbanks police at 459-6500 or Fairbanks Crime Stoppers at 456-CLUE.
Reporter Amanda Bohman can be reached at or 459-7544.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Hope everyone made it through the New Year's Eve hustle and bustle. I worked for half the night, so I was servicing. With smiles.
Now the New Year resolutions!
Hmmm, What will it be this year? Weight? Fitness? How about finishing my novel? Yes I think that is it.
Now the New Year resolutions!
Hmmm, What will it be this year? Weight? Fitness? How about finishing my novel? Yes I think that is it.
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